*Ausverkauft* Lesung mit Şeyda Kurt: Radikale Zärtlichkeit – Warum Liebe politisch ist

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

Radikale Zärtlichkeit – Warum Liebe politisch ist ist am 20. April 2021 bei HarperCollins Germany erschienen. What is love? Ist die Liebe Sinn des Lebens, eine politische Allianz, Illusion oder Selbstzweck? Oder ist sie gar unmöglich, weil wir uns zwischen Zukunftsängsten, überhöhten Ansprüchen und diskriminierenden Strukturen völlig zerreiben?  Diesen Fragen geht die Autor*in Şeyda Kurt [...]

Sonic In(ter)ventions | Out of Time Embassy

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

Sonic In(ter)ventions is a jam session. As cultural workers responding to the times with community building, Out of Time Embassy (OOTE) consciously meld together sound and healing to form sessions of high-energy improvisation. Spaces are reimagined as interactive meditation sites for historical excavation, archival protest, and creative processing. Open and free artistic expressions are cultivated [...]

KAUM Indonesian Alternative Performance & Film Festival 2021

Oyoun, District Berlin + Ana Conda am Ufer Berlin

The KAUM Indonesian Alternative Performance & Film Festival organised by the Soydivision collective aims to raise underrepresented voices in the Indonesian society on issues related to the environment, the Chinese-Indonesian society, East Indonesia, Feminism, and LGBTQ+. These different topics translate into the categories of the festival: dare to be conscious, dare to be different, dare to [...]


DARE TO BE EAST | KAUM – Indonesian Alternative Film & Performance Festival

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

The KAUM Indonesian Alternative Performance & Film Festival organised by the Soydivision collective aims to raise underrepresented voices in the Indonesian society on issues related to the environment, the Chinese-Indonesian society, East Indonesia, Feminism, and LGBTQ+. These different topics translate into the categories of the festival: dare to be conscious, dare to be different, dare [...]


CAN YOU HELP ME FIND … AROUND HERE? | KAUM – Indonesian Alternative Film & Performance Festival

Volkspark Hasenheide Berlin

The KAUM Indonesian Alternative Performance & Film Festival organised by the Soydivision collective aims to raise underrepresented voices in the Indonesian society on issues related to the environment, the Chinese-Indonesian society, East Indonesia, Feminism, and LGBTQ+. These different topics translate into the categories of the festival: dare to be conscious, dare to be different, dare [...]

OPENING CEREMONY | KAUM – Indonesian Alternative Film & Performance Festival

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

The KAUM Indonesian Alternative Performance & Film Festival organised by the Soydivision collective aims to raise underrepresented voices in the Indonesian society on issues related to the environment, the Chinese-Indonesian society, East Indonesia, Feminism, and LGBTQ+. These different topics translate into the categories of the festival: dare to be conscious, dare to be different, dare [...]


DARE TO BE ONESELF | KAUM – Indonesian Alternative Film & Performance Festival

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

The KAUM Indonesian Alternative Performance & Film Festival organised by the Soydivision collective aims to raise underrepresented voices in the Indonesian society on issues related to the environment, the Chinese-Indonesian society, East Indonesia, Feminism, and LGBTQ+. These different topics translate into the categories of the festival: dare to be conscious, dare to be different, dare [...]

OUT ON THE TOWN | KAUM – Indonesian Alternative Film & Performance Festival

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

The KAUM Indonesian Alternative Performance & Film Festival organised by the Soydivision collective aims to raise underrepresented voices in the Indonesian society on issues related to the environment, the Chinese-Indonesian society, East Indonesia, Feminism, and LGBTQ+. These different topics translate into the categories of the festival: dare to be conscious, dare to be different, dare [...]

AFTER CARGO AND MALARIA | KAUM – Indonesian Alternative Film & Performance Festival

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

The KAUM Indonesian Alternative Performance & Film Festival organised by the Soydivision collective aims to raise underrepresented voices in the Indonesian society on issues related to the environment, the Chinese-Indonesian society, East Indonesia, Feminism, and LGBTQ+. These different topics translate into the categories of the festival: dare to be conscious, dare to be different, dare [...]


DARE TO BE DIFFERENT | KAUM – Indonesian Alternative Film & Performance Festival

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

The KAUM Indonesian Alternative Performance & Film Festival organised by the Soydivision collective aims to raise underrepresented voices in the Indonesian society on issues related to the environment, the Chinese-Indonesian society, East Indonesia, Feminism, and LGBTQ+. These different topics translate into the categories of the festival: dare to be conscious, dare to be different, dare [...]

BlackinTech Berlin – Summer Meet & Greet

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

We are really excited to invite you to our first summer social event after being apart for a while. Join in and let's celebrate together. We are really excited to invite you to our first summer social event after being apart for more than a year and a half due to the corona pandemic. The [...]

THE HACKER | KAUM – Indonesian Alternative Film & Performance Festival

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

The KAUM Indonesian Alternative Performance & Film Festival organised by the Soydivision collective aims to raise underrepresented voices in the Indonesian society on issues related to the environment, the Chinese-Indonesian society, East Indonesia, Feminism, and LGBTQ+. These different topics translate into the categories of the festival: dare to be conscious, dare to be different, dare [...]

THE SCIENCE OF FICTION | KAUM – Indonesian Alternative Film & Performance Festival

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

The KAUM Indonesian Alternative Performance & Film Festival organised by the Soydivision collective aims to raise underrepresented voices in the Indonesian society on issues related to the environment, the Chinese-Indonesian society, East Indonesia, Feminism, and LGBTQ+. These different topics translate into the categories of the festival: dare to be conscious, dare to be different, dare [...]

AYUNA TRIED TO LIGHT THE VOID | KAUM – Indonesian Alternative Film & Performance Festival

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

The KAUM Indonesian Alternative Performance & Film Festival organised by the Soydivision collective aims to raise underrepresented voices in the Indonesian society on issues related to the environment, the Chinese-Indonesian society, East Indonesia, Feminism, and LGBTQ+. These different topics translate into the categories of the festival: dare to be conscious, dare to be different, dare [...]


Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

Connecting artist and audience using intimate live sets through, Hip Hop, RnB, Soul, Afro Beats, Dancehall Reggae and more. Get your tickets here The Berlin Radio Show (TBRS) is a Berlin-based radio show centred around highlighting Hip Hop, RnB, Afrobeat, Reggae, Dancehall and Soul artists of the diaspora through conversations and discussions. The goal is [...]


Compañía de teatro Raíces präsentiert: MARTA

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

MARTA, Frelichttheaterstück durch den Körper und die Biographie 3., 4. + 5. September auf Deutsch Es ist vorbei mit der Angst Wir kämpfen dafür, dass unsere Körper respektiert werden. Wir sind gekommen, um Grenzen zu setzen, um den Blicken stand zu halten. Wir sind von innen erwacht, wir haben unsere Krallen ausgefahren und leisten Widerstand. [...]

Manuscripts of Foreign Body(s): Foreign intimacies Workshops Weekend

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

Manuscripts of Foreign Body(s), is a critical visual collective workshops-based project, by Ahmad Baba and Michalina Mrozek, proposing the approach of, TLGBQIA+ bodies of color, as manuscripts of duality; being sites of oppressions as well as sites of resilience. The project will be developed, through organizing critical collective practices, in two days intensive workshops,“ Foreign [...]

Poetry Meets w/ Yugen Blakrok – A Performance Vortex

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

Reserve your tickets here The Poetry Meets Series pres. lyrical rap prodigy Yugen Blakrok, Berlin's rising talent RCSE, poets Astan KA and Hiwot. Plus a surprise act! The Poetry Meets Series presents South African Headliner lyrical rap prodigy Yugen Blakrok, Berlin's rising talent RCSE, poets Astan KA, Hiwot AND one special kind surprise act. After [...]

»Muslimaniac. Die Karriere eines Feindbildes« – Autor Ozan Zakariya Keskinkılıç im Gespräch mit Alice Hasters – DJ Xanax Attax legt auf

Oyoun Garden - adot kitchen Lucy-Lameck-Str. 32, Berlin

Am 6.September erscheint bei Edition Körber das neue Buch von Ozan Zakariya Keskinkılıç. In »Muslimaniac. Die Karriere eines Feindbildes« geht der Politikwissenschaftler und Rassismusforscher auf Spurensuche nach »Orientalika«, so nennt Keskinkılıç Symbole, Sprachspuren und Gegenstände, in denen sich die hartnäckigen Klischees von »Orient« und »Okzident« spiegeln. Er verknüpft sie mit aktuellen Entwicklungen und eigenen Erfahrungen [...]

W/O ADDITIVES X DECOLONOIZE present: Breezy / Naari / Oyèmi Noize

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

w/o additives' has set itself the task of creating spaces and visibility for BIPoC artists. On the exhibition evening, this will happen on three levels - on the one hand, there will be an exhibition that offers an insight into the musical socialisation of the founder of 'w/o additives' based on her personal biography. On [...]

Film Screening: 95cm: Mega City’s Mini Citizens | THE PATH

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

The award winning film, 95cm: Mega City’s Mini Citizens by Ayşe Adanalı, Yaşar Adnan Adanalı & Gizem Pilavcı, aims to collect, produce and disseminate visual materials, including production of a documentary film, to advocate well-being of young children in rapidly transforming, mega cities around the world, such as Istanbul. Don't miss this powerful film! Doors [...]

Brown Sugar Black Tea Party (Vintage Edition)

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

Get your tickets here. This is event is an inclusive high society, themed, tea party for BIPoC to subconsciously cater to their mental health and wellbeing. Bringing people together in the right space for not only great Tea, fun and entertainment but peace of mind. Formal Vintage attire (the 60s-70s era preferred, Think the Supremes, [...]

Black & Brown Cabaret Dinner Show

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

We are excited to invite you to celebrate Queerness, Femininity, Color, and Bodies. Welcome to the Black & Brown Cabaret Show 2021 by Prince Emrah & Queerberg. On 24 September, we want to honor the thriving culture of BIPOC immigrant, refugee bodies of all shapes and sizes with a modern fusion of cabaret & burlesque [...]

DJ Performance: Mobilegirl | THE PATH

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

As a DJ, Mobilegirl (IG: @mobilegirl) is versatile but thoughtful in her selection – her style behind the decks is focused on creating a highly energetic dance floor that allows for emotionality, for softer moments but also attention-demanding breaks and shifts; an equally fun and challenging combination that gained her traction very early on in [...]

Performance: Mapping stories by Autoplot collective | THE PATH

Tempelhofer Feld Berlin

You are invited to take part in an interactive audiowalk by the Autoplot collective. Their project "Mapping stories" are about a playful and accessible installation, a kind of course that deals with questions of identity and its circumstances and tries to make them tangible for as many participants as possible. The focus of the concept [...]

Ebow Concert | THE PATH

Tempelhofer Feld Berlin

As part of The Path's programme, the rapper Ebow (@ebow.mp3) will present a special performance of her tracks at the installation site at Tempelhofer Feld. We are looking forward to seeing you! // Event Start 18:30 Register for your free ticket to take part here   About Ebow: Solo, but also as a member of [...]


Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

For this year’s Tag der Clubkultur La By’le has curated an event called ALL EYES ON US (Discussion & Performances Centering Queer Artists in Berlin’s Hip Hop Club Scene)  to highlight the contribution of QTIBIPOC artists in Berlin’s hip hop scene and encourage the integration and maintenance of safer spaces for queer identities in hip [...]

LOOK AT ME: Syrien in Fotografie und Erzählung – Vernissage und Diskussion

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

Vernissage und Paneldisskusion mit syrischen Fotokünstler*innen: Guevara Namer (Moderatorin/Kuratorin der Ausstellung und Fotorgrafin), Mohammed Badra (Panelist/Fotograf), Ameer Alhalbi (Panelist/Fotograf), Mohammed Abdullah (Panelist/Fotograf) Der syrische Aufstand und der darauffolgende Krieg gehören vielleicht zu den am besten dokumentierten visuellen Ereignissen der modernen Geschichte. Es gibt erschütternde Bilder, die sich in die Psyche der Menschen eingebrannt haben. Das [...]

LOOK AT ME : Syrien in Fotografie und in Erzählung – Photo Exhibition

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

Der syrische Aufstand und der darauffolgende Krieg gehören vielleicht zu den visuell am besten dokumentierten Ereignissen der modernen Geschichte. Es gibt erschütternde Bilder, die sich in die Psyche der Menschen eingebrannt haben. Das Bild von Aylan Kurdi, der leblos an einem türkischen Strand liegt. Drohnenbilder von zerbombten syrischen Krankenhäusern und Städten. Aber das ist nicht [...]

Finissage + Sound Performance with Merey Şenocak and Steve Schofield | THE PATH

Tempelhofer Feld Berlin

On 8th October, we will celebrate the Finissage of THE PATH on the Tempelhofer Feld around the installation with a joint picnic with all participants. The artists of the Open Call - the singer Mizgina Rengin and the performer Xueqing Yu, Aina Plans, Elisa Kostka and Johanna Schmalöer will also show their performances there.  // [...]

LOOK AT ME: Syrien zwischen Krieg und Frieden – Podiumsdiskussion

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

Podiumsdiskussion mit Dr. Dörthe Engelcke (Moderatorin), Dr. André Bank (Panelist), Dr. Andreas Reinicke Botschafter a.D. (Panelist) und Ferdinand Dürr (Panelist). Hinweis: Die Veranstaltung findet auf Deutsch statt.


Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

Eros Marciano (IG:@jan.nwattu) presents: THE SUPER SMASH KIKI BALL ➤ Doors open: 14:30 ➤ LSS / Roll Call: 17:00 Participants and audience are welcome to come to our in-house café/bar @abadan.berlin and garden after the ball for something to eat and drink and a little meeting place. Tickets: box office only! CASH ONLY! Participants - [...]

BACKBONE – سند الظهر – Vernissage

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

With this vernissage Lebanese artist Mazen Khaddaj opens his multidisciplinary exhibition “Backbone”. The show is a collection of video performances, multichannel installations, and documentation by the artist that signify his relationship with his father, and his death in December 2020. After a long and heavy battle with COVID19, his dad surrendered and passed away at [...]

Soura Film Festival

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

The third edition of Soura Film Festival, hosted at Oyoun, will take place from October 21st - 24th 2021 in Berlin. The festival will present a programme curated with the idea to address queer culture, filmmakers, and characters relevant to South West Asia and North Africa; a region commonly known as S.W.A.N.A. In the majority [...]

Backbone – سند الظهر – Exhibition

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

"Backbone" is a multidisciplinary exhibition by Lebanese artist Mazen Khaddaj. The show is a collection of video performances, multichannel installations, and documentation that signifies the relationship with his father, and his death in December 2020.⁣ After a long and heavy battle with COVID19, his dad surrendered and left him at the age of sixty-three. His [...]

Literarische Diverse #4 – Releaseparty

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

Releaseparty! Zum Erscheinen der vierten Ausgabe von Literarische Diverse wollen wir uns treffen und einen schönen Abend miteinander verbringen. Wir freuen uns auf unbekannte und bekannte Gesichter. Bringt auch gerne eure Freund*innen mit! Es gibt Drinks, Musik, kleinere Lesungen und natürlich das Magazin. → Veranstaltungsbeginn: 22. Oktober, 20:00 → Diese Veranstaltung ist kostenfrei. Eine Anmeldung [...]

Empowerment für ganzheitliche Gesundheit

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

"Menschen auf ihrem Weg zu begleiten, unterstützen und zu bestärken, ist mir ein Bedürfnis und sehe ich als meine natürliche Aufgabe. Als ganzheitliche Ayurveda Coachin/Heilerin, stehst du,als Individuum, im Mittelpunkt, mit allem was dein System (=Körper/Geist/Seele/Emotionen) beinhaltet. Du bist der/die Expert*in deines Systems und ich empower dich darin, deine innere Stärke zu finden, um dich [...]

Short Documentary Screening: “The Bleaching Syndrome” with panel discussion

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

With the offline and online information and event series "Mind your privilege", 14,4km aims to reflect on the role of post colonial structures in four cultural domains: films, literature, public places and music. In the frame of this project 14,4km will screen the short documentary "The Bleaching Syndrome" from Eiman Mirghani.  Synopsis The filmmaker, Eiman [...]


Reading Group: Black Feminism(s) x Palestine


A twice-monthly online reading and discussion group curated and facilitated by Action Research collective (artists and researchers Izdihar Afyouni and melissandre varin) as part of the programme for the Except for Palestine: New Pedagogies for Art and Activism project, curated by Izdihar Afyouni. This reading group is only open to BIPoC participants. Please register to [...]

“Hoffnung” – Lesung und Gespräch mit Nermin Ismail

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

Hoffnung ist universell. Ohne Hoffnung können wir nicht leben. Sie ist es, die uns bei Enttäuschungen, Rück- und Schicksalsschlägen nicht verzagen lässt. Sie stärkt das Rückgrat in Krisenzeiten. Wenn wir hoffen können, ist aufgeben keine Option – stattdessen rappeln wir uns auf und folgen dem Silberstreif am Horizont. Doch was ist Hoffnung, woraus speist sie [...]

Bizarre Music Festival

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

"In light of the heavy restrictions the cultural sector has experienced due to the Covid 19 pandemic and the political response to it, playing in front of people again feels many kinds of strange by now. As artists we get a lot of from these exchanges, at the same time we also give much of [...]