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Film Screening: 95cm: Mega City’s Mini Citizens | THE PATH
17.September 2021 18:00 - 21:30

The award winning film, 95cm: Mega City’s Mini Citizens by Ayşe Adanalı, Yaşar Adnan Adanalı & Gizem Pilavcı, aims to collect, produce and disseminate visual materials, including production of a documentary film, to advocate well-being of young children in rapidly transforming, mega cities around the world, such as Istanbul.
Don't miss this powerful film!
Doors Open 18:30 // Event Start 19:00
Book your free ticket here
THE PATH: A Participatory Public Art Project
The Path is an interdisciplinary project that problematizes the relationship between metropole and the individual from queer and feminist perspectives. The project consists of an art installation at Templehofer Feld, an exhibition at Oyoun, and a series of events at and between both locations. The title of the project originates from Umut Azad Akkel ́s multidimensional artwork with the same title that will be exhibited through the project.
Can the metropole also contain us during the whole migration wave, gentrification, and rapid urban transformation? What if the paths that we walk every day start from nowhere and lead nowhere? Is what we experience a coexistence or an ́otherness ́ with a potential? What are the results, alternatives, solutions, and what can be the role of art in this process?
See the full programme of THE PATH here
The Path project was produced by Oyoun in collaboration with Umut Azad Akkel (IG: @azadonfires) as artist, artistic director, and co-curator, Şehnaz Layıkel (IG: @sehnazlayikel) as co-curator and Pegah Keshmirshekan (IG: @pegah.keshmir) and Ilgaz Yalçınoğlu (IG: @ilgazyalcinoglu) as event coordinators. It was funded by the Lotto Stiftung and UdK KKWV.
Please note: To take part in events at Oyoun or visit our exhibitions, you need to have a negative corona test from the same day or proof of vaccination / recovery. FFP2 Masks are mandatory at Oyoun until further notice. Further information about our hygiene concept can be found here: oyoun.de/hygienekonzept