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DARE TO BE EQUAL | KAUM – Indonesian Alternative Film & Performance Festival
18.August 2021 17:00 - 19:00

The KAUM Indonesian Alternative Performance & Film Festival organised by the Soydivision collective aims to raise underrepresented voices in the Indonesian society on issues related to the environment, the Chinese-Indonesian society, East Indonesia, Feminism, and LGBTQ+. These different topics translate into the categories of the festival: dare to be conscious, dare to be different, dare to be east, dare to be equal, dare to be oneself!
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→ Short Documentary / 29 min / english subtitles
A choir sings back songs made from within the prison and songs long forgotten. These songs are the hope, for a story that has been silenced for more than fifty years to get its voice back.
Salahuddin Siregar made his first documentary work at the 2005 Eagle Award workshop organized by In-Docs and the national news television channel MetroTV. This experience led him to participate in various other documentary film workshops, including the 2009 Doc Station Berlinale Talent Campus in Germany. In this activity, he presented the project which later became his first feature-length documentary entitled Negeri di Bawah Kabut. His work has earned him several prestigious awards, including Best Debut Documentary at the 2013 Almaty International Film Festival and the Special Jury Prize MUHR Asia Africa Documentary at the 2011 Dubai International Film Festival.
→ Short Documentary / 36 min / english subtitles
Vena is a Catholic. She lives in a predominantly Muslim neighborhood in Aceh, Indonesia. Vena likes to wear hijab in her daily life and has many friends who are Muslim. However, how can she continue to live as herself and adapt as a minority in a Muslim majority environment. Family factors also influence her life.
Vena Besta Klaudina, Born in Magelang, 28 September 1996. Recently graduated from Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh. Vena now lives with her parents in Sabang City. Involved as an actress in one of the short films entitled Replika Pulau Rubiah produced by VIU. Minor is his first documentary.
Takziyah Nufus, Born 1995, graduated with a bachelor's degree from UIN Ar-Raniry majoring in Islamic Broadcasting Communication (KPI). Nufus and her friends also founded a film community called KOPIAH (Anneuk Aceh Film Community). In addition, Nufus has been involved in several film productions with Aceh filmmakers, one of which is the production of a short film with VIU and became a director for the first time in a documentary entitled "MINOR".a documentary entitled "MINOR". a documentary entitled "MINOR".
→ Short Animation / 10 min / english subtitles
Through Svetlana’s narratives, Njoto, who is remembered in Indonesia’s history as a PKI leader, became another figure – a patient father who taught his daughter how to use the typewriter, for example. But Svetlana’s narrative does not spare the details of the horror that happened in 1965 and 1966. She recalls her experience of being detained in a jail along with her mother and other siblings. She remembers seeing victims of brutal interrogation techniques being dragged back to their cells covered in blood on a daily basis. Svetlana was often instructed to clean up the interrogation room in the morning when it was not in use. Here she saw traces of torture, such as the stingray tail and the floor covered with blood.
Kartika Pratiwi is a long time independent researcher with an interest in narrative discourse on the mass violence in Indonesia, oral history, and human rights issues, and accomplished media activist with 12 years’ experience in the use of video, digital story, collective memory and alternative media for social change. She has been a part of kotakhitam Forum for 12 years and was part of EngageMedia for more than 3 years, independent organizations focus on research, workshops, digital security, documentary video project and impact production.
Pratiwi currently develop my project "(Re)writing Indonesian Mass Killings of 1965 in the Digital Age". It was started during a fellowship year at Alliance of Historical Dialogue and Accountability at Columbia University in the City of New York - which will be creating an interactive digital platform about the facts related with the Indonesian past violence through materials such as collection of stories and memories of survivors, archival documents and digital cartography. She is now also working full-time at Asia Justice and Rights, a regional human rights organisation focus on building just and accountable societies free from impunity."
→ Short Film/ 13 min / english subtitles
A woman walks home alone and got harassed by a man. Things take an unexpected turn when the hunter suddenly becomes the hunted.
Indira Iman is an Indonesian film director and writer. She's pursuing her BA in Jakarta Institute of Arts' Faculty of Film and Television, and is an alumna of Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival (BIFAN) Fantastic Film School. Indira's works have been screened in numerous local and international film festivals. Most recently, her student short horror Rong won the Air Canada Best Short Film Award at the 24th Toronto Reel Asian film festival and Best Fantastic Women Short Film at Sao Paulo's 11th Cinefantasy film festival. Currently, she’s working on her thesis film.
→ Short Film/ 9 min / english subtitles
Anto and Budi must take a responsibility how it feels becoming a girl name Dara who experienced her first menstruation.
Sarah Adilah was born and raised in Palu. Her film career began with short film “Cermin” nominated as best student short film Apresiasi Film Indonesia 2015, “Neraka di Telapak Kaki” nominated as best short documentary Film Festival Indonesia 2018, Gula and Pasir (Sandy Sugar) screened at World Cinema Amsterdam 2019, Menjadi Dara (Becoming Girl) won best short film UCIFEST 2019 and special mention award by Viddsee Award Indonesia 2019. In 2020, her script "Tour de Serpong" selected and funded by Europe On Screen Pitching Forum. She currently produce documentary Hidup Dengan Bencana (Living On Top of The Fault) funded project by In-Docs: Good Pitch Indonesia and soon will be finished in 2021.
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Funded by: #TakePart funding program by Fonds Darstellende Künste
Partners: Queer Asia, European Solidarity Corps, In-Docs, Minikino, Jakarta Feminist