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Finissage + Sound Performance with Merey Şenocak and Steve Schofield | THE PATH

8.Oktober 2021 16:30 - 18:30

On 8th October, we will celebrate the Finissage of THE PATH on the Tempelhofer Feld around the installation with a joint picnic with all participants. The artists of the Open Call - the singer Mizgina Rengin and the performer Xueqing Yu, Aina Plans, Elisa Kostka and Johanna Schmalöer will also show their performances there. 

// Event Start 16:30

Afterwards, Merey Şenocak and Steve Schofield will present a poetic narrative with sound accompaniment.

//  Start 18:00

Additional registration required >> Link here

It's going to be great! We are looking forward to celebrating the closing of The Path with you!


About The Open Call Performances: 

Kneading the melodies by Mizgina Rengin

Mizgina Rengin sings other women's melodies, tones, noises, languages and songs that are not heard, always searching and questioning. The kneading of diasporic melodies is a tribute to build poetic bridges between now and past and to cross the border of the emotions and stories.

Dislocated – An instant movement performance 

Movement is the insoluble unity of body and environment. Performers do not appear as subjects. The performers only help to present the internal dynamic of the environment, installation and the people themselves, and the floating relationship between them.

The road drives the crowd forward, but also restricts the direction and the moving space. In a mobile society where everything is moving, alternating or changing fast, we are locating constantly in a new environment, all of the surroundings, people, sounds constantly shape the space and affect our inner space, meanwhile our origins lurk deep within us. The Chinese idiom 身首异处 (shēn shǒu yì Chù) means one's head and one's body lie in two different places, can be used to describe this displacement state of mutual exclusion and attraction.

Initiator: Xueqing Yu // Performers: Aina Plans, Elisa Kostka, Johanna Schmalöer, Xueqing Yu

From the study program Music and Movement / Eurhythmic in University of Art Berlin.


Merey Şenocak (1993, Turkey) studied Visual Arts, Time-based Media at the University of Arts London. Has contributed to art events and exhibitions in public spaces with performances and workshops in London and Istanbul. Recently she has performed live with musicians and visual artists in various cities. Next year she will be studying in the Master of Arts programme at the Berlin University of the Arts, focusing on Sonic Arts and Sound Studies.

Steve Schofield is a musician from UK/Australia. He mostly plays wind instruments and keyboards. Living in Berlin, he is involved with freely improvised music performance and inter-disciplinary art projects. He sees improvised music as a fantastic language for expressing what there is to be felt in the moment of now, a way of bringing audiences to shared places of being. Steve Schofield has performed at festivals in Australia, Germany, Spain, India and Thailand. With GENES - a musical trio from Berlin - he released his debut album "Presents of Presence" in 2020, which is available online.


THE PATH: A Participatory Public Art Project

The Path is an interdisciplinary project that problematizes the relationship between metropole and the individual from queer and feminist perspectives. The project consists of an art installation at Tempelhofer Feld, an exhibition at Oyoun, and a series of events at and between both locations. The title of the project originates from Umut Azad Akkel ́s multidimensional artwork with the same title that will be exhibited through the project.

Can the metropole also contain us during the whole migration wave, gentrification, and rapid urban transformation? What if the paths that we walk every day start from nowhere and lead nowhere? Is what we experience a coexistence or an ́otherness ́ with a potential? What are the results, alternatives, solutions, and what can be the role of art in this process?

See the full programme of THE PATH here

The Path project was produced by Oyoun in collaboration with Umut Azad Akkel (IG: @azadonfires) as artist, artistic director, and co-curator, Şehnaz Layıkel (IG: @sehnazlayikel) as co-curator and Pegah Keshmirshekan (IG: @pegah.keshmir) and Ilgaz Yalçınoğlu (IG: @ilgazyalcinoglu) as event coordinators. It was funded by the Lotto Stiftung and UdK KKWV.


Please note: To take part in events at Oyoun or visit our exhibitions, you need to have a negative corona test from the same day or proof of vaccination / recovery. FFP2 Masks are mandatory at Oyoun until further notice. Further information about our hygiene concept can be found here


8.Oktober 2021
16:30 - 18:30
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Tempelhofer Feld
Berlin, 12049 Deutschland Google Karte anzeigen


Oyoun + Collaborator