Funktion Empfohlen


Lucy-Lameck-Str. 32, Berlin

EMBODIED ARTS FESTIVAL - AUF DEN SPUREN VERKÖRPERTER ERINNERUNGEN ♦️♦️♦️ Embodied Arts Festival Guide ♦️♦️♦️ Was verkörpern unsere Körper? Welche Erinnerungen können uns unsere Körper erzählen? - über uns selbst, unsere [...]

Black Post Box

May-Ayim-Ufer May-Ayim-Ufer, Berlin

Co-curators of the BLACK POST BOX, Gugulethu Duma and Dylan Greene, explore racial and cultural melancholy by centralizing the work of Saidiyah Hartman who asks, "...what if depression could be [...]

a’21: Safety From Artificial Intelligence_amberPlatform

►a'21: Safety From Artificial Intelligence_amberPlatform How can we protect ourselves from this surveillance? What kind of application is artificial intelligence used in social issues? How much can we trust artificial [...]

Closing Ceremony | Embodied Arts Festival

It is within the intersections of body memory and history that our bodies are potentially at their most revealing. Memories interrupt history and open up another possibility of embodied living, [...]