Affective Archives of Resistance – Enter Now!

With ESCAPISM, Oyoun opens a platform for an artistic and sociocritical experiment, connecting virtual and physical spaces. In an interactive exhibition at Oyoun Berlin from December 3 to 24, viewers can experience 4 hybrid game installations created by ESCAPISM artists: “tarare” by téa boyarchuk, “Thicker Than Blood Digital” by Izdihar Afyouni, “Guacuco” by Sol Martínez-Solé and “Embryonic Babies of Hot Winters” by Avita Maheen.
Mit ESCAPISM entstand im Oyoun eine Plattform für ein künstlerisches und gesellschaftskritisches Experiment, das virtuelle und physische Räume miteinander verbindet. In einer interaktiven Ausstellung können die Besucher*innen des Oyoun vom 3. bis 24. Dezember vier hybride Spielinstallationen erleben, die von den ESCAPISM-Künstler*innen geschaffen wurden: tarare von téa boyarchuk, Thicker Than Blood Digital von Izdihar Afyouni, Guacuco von Sol Martínez-Solé und Embryonic Babies of Hot Winters von Avita Maheen.
In a process of collective learning the four artists of ESCAPISM téa boyarchuk, Izdihar Afyouni, Sol Martínez-Solé and Avita Maheen developed their explorative visions into four hybrid games. They concretized their ideas in digital as well as physical spheres through exchanges, workshops and collaboration with fellow artists, programmers, technicians and mentors. The artists are based in different parts of the online and offline worlds and the largest part of the development and production process has been enabled through a remote, digital communication – which makes ESCAPISM hybrid and experimental in its essence.
The projects (re-)create personal and collective realities in which players
- are required to explore memories and stories
- will be unsettled by sensory and aesthetic stimuli
- have to reflect on their standings within the current systems
- must confront the social and state mechanism of oppression
- are required to resist, deconstruct, liberate and heal.
The four projects engage themselves in the intersection of the intimate and the structural. They point to the colliding moments between realities and imaginations. The medium – a computer game played in an immersive physical environment – likewise manifests such intersection, where the individual players constitute the broader network of gamified experience of these art works. After a series of development phases that began in May 2021, ESCAPISM will launch as an immersive exhibition with four interactive games which will be online and offline on various platforms of Oyoun. Click here for the online games.
This project is funded by the Fonds Soziokultur from the program of the BKM “NEUSTART KULTUR”.
In einem Prozess kollektiven Lernens entwickelten die vier Künstler*innen téa boyarchuk, Izdihar Afyouni, Sol Martínez-Solé und Avita Maheen aus ihren explorativen Visionen vier hybride Spiele. Sie konkretisierten ihre Ideen zu den digitalen und physischen Sphären im Austausch untereinander, in gemeinsamen Workshops und durch die Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Künstler*innen, Programmierer*innen, Techniker*innen und Mentor*innen. Da die Künstler*innen an verschiedenen Orten der Online- und Offline-Welt beheimatet sind, wurde ein erheblicher Teil des Entwicklungs- und Produktionsprozesses digital betrieben – so war bereits die Entstehungsgeschichte von ESCAPISM hybrid und experimentell.
Diese vier Projekte in Spielform präsentieren persönliche und kollektive Realitäten, in denen die Spieler*innen mit einer Reihe von Aufgaben und Herausforderungen konfrontiert werden:
- Erinnerungen und Geschichten erforschen
- verunsichernde sensorische und ästhetische Reize erfahren
- die eigene Stellung innerhalb der jeweiligen politisch-gesellschaftlichen Systeme reflektieren
- sich mit gesellschaftlichen / staatlichen Unterdrückungsmechanismen auseinandersetzen
- Widerstand leisten, dekonstruieren, befreien und heilen.
Die vier Projekte bewegen sich an der Schnittstelle zwischen dem Intimen und dem Strukturellen. Sie verweisen auf Momente, in denen Realitäten und Imaginationen aufeinanderprallen. Das Medium – ein Computerspiel, das in einer immersiven physischen Umgebung gespielt wird – manifestiert ebenfalls eine solche Überschneidung, wobei die einzelnen Spieler das erweiterte Netzwerk der gamifizierten Erfahrung dieser Kunstwerke bilden.
Nach der Entwicklungsphase, die im Mai 2021 begann, wird ESCAPISM als immersive Ausstellung mit vier interaktiven Spielen eröffnet, die online und offline auf verschiedenen Plattformen des Oyoun zu sehen sein werden. Klicke hier für die Online-Spiele.
Dieses Projekt wird durch den Fonds Soziokultur aus dem Programm des BKM “NEUSTART KULTUR” gefördert.
Embryonic Babies of Hot Winters Concept Teaser Video | ESCAPISM
“Embryonic Babies of Hot Winters” questions a questionable past, present and foreseeable future. The project is characterized by storytelling and cinematic experiences and transcends that to both a gamified and a spatial cinematic experience.
video credits:
concept: arjunraj with Avita Maheen
shot & edited by: arjunraj (Oyoun)
creative direction: Madhumita Nandi (Oyoun)
Guacuco Concept Teaser | Escapism
“Guacuco” is a short dream about returning to your home and making space for better things: “In this small seaside diorama I explore what it means to me to hold onto traumatic memories, and what it feels to re-visit and let go. It’s a form of having a conversation with myself about my relationship with my gender, my ethnicity, and the way society has reacted to and shaped my history as I navigate it.”- Sol Martínez-Solé, creater Guacaco
video credits:
concept: arjunraj with Sol Martínez-Solé Edited by: arjunraj (Oyoun)
Footage: Humberto Acevedo Narváez
Typeface: Mess By Tezzo Suzuki and Velvetyne Type Foundry
Background score: avyary
creative direction: Madhumita Nandi (Oyoun)
‘tarare’ is a linear, narrative based game by téa boyarchuk that leads the audience through the destructive domains of colourism and texturism. the prevalence and the fatalistic goal of attaining white beauty adjacency drives the narrator down the rabbit hole, asking the audience what the conditions are for true and earnest self-love.
video credits:
virtual world created by: téa boyarchuk
background score: samia ageli concept: arjunraj with téa boyarchuk
shot & edited by: arjunraj
creative direction: madhumita nandi
„Living Archive“, is an audio, visual, and movement program by Shannon Sea Novaa and Jumọke.
”Our stories are sacred and should be documented and… their unique stories and ideas so that they can archive, curate and transmit their knowledge”.
Shannon Sea Novaa and Jumọke presenting their audio, visual, and movement performances that incorporate sounds and movements from the audience to celebrate our existence in history.
The performances were part of the opening night of the launch of ESCAPISM at Oyoun.
About the artists and their projects| Über die Künstler*innen und ihre Projekte
Artistic Director: Madhumita Nandi (Oyoun)
Artistic Director Digital: Rachel Uwa
Curatorial Assistant: Dami Choi (Oyoun)
Conceptual Development: Nina Martin (Oyoun)
Experts, Mentors and Collaborators: Lawrence Monroe Marable, Jeremy Diamond, Meredith Thomas, Rafia Shahnaz, Marie LeBlanc Flanagan, Kike Ayoola, gabbah baya, Helin Ulas, Alex Klepton, Raymond Jennings, Valentin Kellein, Amos Peled, Daniel del Río, Javier Calderón, avyary, Yuki Kojima, Carlos Serrano, Amos Peled, Etsuki Usui, Katerina Stanishlevikj, Jungwon Kim, Shannon Sea Novaa, Jumọke Adeyanju, Folly Ghost, Lesley Whitaker, Rory Seth Bernickow
Graphic Designer: Rita Eperjesi
Oyoun Team: Arjunraj, Linda Hamoui, Hatice Tahtali, Nicola Reißer, Louna Sbou, Nora Roho, Sophia Schmidt, Paul Räther, Stefan Krüger, Gregor Dühr, Andreas Kambrowski, Alejandro Pelzer, Mario Schwerdt, Khadija Alamin, Anette Heit, Leyla Discacciati, Tina Groneberg.