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Alles zu Tag: Listening to the Land
25.Februar 2024 13:00
Sea Behind the Wall | Workshop | Harvesting Resilience: Foraging and Guerilla Gardening
Harvesting Resilience – a workshop series by Zeren Oruc This workshop series gives you the opportunity to rethink your relationship with nature, food and consumption. You will be able to [...]
Harvesting Resilience
Listening to the Land
Sea Behind The Wall
24.Februar 2024 13:00
Sea Behind the Wall | Workshop | Harvesting Resilience: Foraging and Guerilla Gardening
Harvesting Resilience – a workshop series by Zeren Oruc This workshop series gives you the opportunity to rethink your relationship with nature, food and consumption. You will be able to [...]
Harvesting Resilience
Listening to the Land
Sea Behind The Wall
26.Oktober 2023 19:00
Sea Behind the Wall | Filmvorführung im Freien | Irrigation and Degradation
Kuratiert von Mai El-Gammal Nach der ersten Vorführung am 22.09. setzt die Kuratorin Mai El-Gammal ihre Erkundung der Dialektik zwischen Film und Landwirtschaft fort und enthüllt ein unerforschtes Terrain, in [...]
Listening to the Land
Sea Behind The Wall
15.Oktober 2023 13:30
Sea Behind the Wall | Electric Lies | Performance Intervention, Filmscreenings and Discussion | ČSV
Listening to the Land / Sea Behind the Wall presents: Performance Intervention, Discussions and Film Screening with a.o. Asta Mitkijá Balto, Elisabeth Heilman Blind, Liv Aira, Asta Mitkijá Balto, Marika [...]
Electric Lies
Listening to the Land
Sea Behind The Wall
14.Oktober 2023 13:00
Sea Behind the Wall | Electric Lies | Workshop | Indigenisation of the Arts w/Asta Mitkijá Balto
Listening to the Land / Sea Behind the Wall presents: Indigenisation of the Arts - a workshop by Asta Mitkijá Balto In her workshop, titled "Indigenization of the Arts," Asta [...]
Electric Lies
Listening to the Land
Sea Behind The Wall
12.Oktober 2023 18:00
Sea Behind the Wall | Electric Lies | Workshop | Uaajeerneq – Greenlandic Maskdance Workshop w/Elisabeth Heilmann Blind
Listening to the Land / Sea Behind the Wall presents: Uaajeerneq – Greenlandic Maskdance Workshop by Elisabeth Heilmann Blind The Greenlandic mask dance Uaajeerneq is the oldest theatrical form of [...]
Electric Lies
Listening to the Land
Sea Behind The Wall
8.Oktober 2023 11:00
Sea Behind the Wall | Workshop | Harvesting Resilience: Foraging and Guerilla Gardening
Harvesting Resilience – a workshop series by Zeren Oruc This workshop series gives you the opportunity to rethink your relationship with nature, food and consumption. You will be able to [...]
Harvesting Resilience
Listening to the Land
Sea Behind The Wall
8.Oktober 2023 11:00
Sea Behind the Wall | Workshop | Harvesting Resilience: Foraging and Guerilla Gardening
Harvesting Resilience – a workshop series by Zeren Oruc This workshop series gives you the opportunity to rethink your relationship with nature, food and consumption. You will be able to [...]
Harvesting Resilience
Listening to the Land
Sea Behind The Wall
7.Oktober 2023 19:30
Sea Behind the Wall | Outdoor Film Screening | LUPA/TERRE: The Fight for Land and Justice
*Please note: In case of bad weather, the screening will be taking place indoors at Oyoun.* Curated by Savannah Garcia Lupa in tagalog, above else, means land. In the Philippines, [...]
Listening to the Land
Outdoor Cinema
Sea Behind The Wall
7.Oktober 2023 13:00
Sea Behind the Wall | Workshop | Harvesting Resilience: Foraging and Guerilla Gardening
Harvesting Resilience – a workshop series by Zeren Oruc This workshop series gives you the opportunity to rethink your relationship with nature, food and consumption. You will be able to [...]
Harvesting Resilience
Listening to the Land
Sea Behind The Wall
7.Oktober 2023 13:00
Sea Behind the Wall | Workshop | Harvesting Resilience: Foraging and Guerilla Gardening
Harvesting Resilience – a workshop series by Zeren Oruc This workshop series gives you the opportunity to rethink your relationship with nature, food and consumption. You will be able to [...]
Harvesting Resilience
Listening to the Land
Sea Behind The Wall
Workshop: Harvesting Resilience
Als Teil unseres kuratorischen Schwerpunkts Listening to the Land und dem dazugehörigen Outdoor-Programm “Sea Behind the Wall” hat Kuratorin Zeren Oruc gemeinsam mit der Herbalistin und Hortikulturistin Lea Nassim Tajbakhsh im September und Oktober 2023 eine Reihe von Workshops zu den Themen Nahrungssuche (Foraging) und Guerilla Gardening angeleitet.
Listening to the Land
Die "Electric Lies" Residency Artists Camilla Therese Karlsen, Elisabeth Heilmann Blind, Lars Henrik Blind, Marika Renhuvud, Liv Aira, Luis Bogado und Asta Mitkijá Balto waren im Oktober (2023) in Berlin und zu Gast im Oyoun. Dabei haben sie untersucht, welche Auswirkungen es hat, wenn indigene Gemeinschaften gezwungen werden, ihre traditionelle Lebensweise aufzugeben, um den Weg für moderne Energieerzeugung für die Massen zu ebnen.
Listening to the Land
1.Oktober 2023 11:00
Sea Behind the Wall | Workshop | Harvesting Resilience: Foraging and Guerilla Gardening
Harvesting Resilience – a workshop series by Zeren Oruc This workshop series gives you the opportunity to rethink your relationship with nature, food and consumption. You will be able to [...]
Harvesting Resilience
Listening to the Land
Sea Behind The Wall
30.September 2023 10:00
Sea Behind the Wall | Workshop | Agri/Cultural Practice for Climate Justice
A workshop with Mojisola Adebayo and Nicole Wolf Are you interested in addressing racism and climate injustice? Would you like to explore how art and agroecology can work together? Are [...]
Listening to the Land
Mojisola Adebayo
Nicole Wolf
Sea Behind The Wall
29.September 2023 16:00
Sea Behind the Wall | Workshop | Harvesting Resilience: Foraging and Guerilla Gardening
Harvesting Resilience – a workshop series by Zeren Oruc This workshop series gives you the opportunity to rethink your relationship with nature, food and consumption. You will be able to [...]
Harvesting Resilience
Listening to the Land
Sea Behind The Wall
29.September 2023 12:00
Sea Behind the Wall | Outdoor Videoausstellung an verschiedenen Standorten | Species, Soil and Successors
*Bitte beachtet, dass die Ausstellung nicht nur im Oyoun stattfindet, sondern an verschiedenen Orten in ganz Berlin* Kuratiert von Arijit Bhattacharyya | Mit Arbeiten von Studio 33/3 (Soumik Ghosh, Shibayan [...]
Listening to the Land
Sea Behind The Wall
22.September 2023 19:00
Sea Behind the Wall | Outdoor Film Screening | A Closer Look at Crop Exchange
Curated by Mai El-Gammal Film and agriculture, seemingly disparate realms, possess a fascinating dialectic that allows them to mutually inform and enrich one another. The first screening by the curator [...]
Listening to the Land
Sea Behind The Wall
Savannah Garcia
Listening to the Land
Sea Behind The Wall
Mai El-Gammal
Mai El-Gammal ist Kulturschaffende und arbeitet in der Filmindustrie. Ihre Erfahrung erstreckt sich von der Förderung und Distribution von Filmen über das das Management von Filmtrainingsprogrammen bis hin zur Programmgestaltung im Filmbereich mit insgesamt 10 Jahren Erfahrung im Nahen Osten und in Deutschland.
Listening to the Land
Sea Behind The Wall
10.September 2023 13:00
Sea Behind the Wall | Workshop | Harvesting Resilience: Foraging and Guerilla Gardening
Harvesting Resilience – a workshop series by Zeren Oruc This workshop series gives you the opportunity to rethink your relationship with nature, food and consumption. You will be able to [...]
Harvesting Resilience
Listening to the Land
Sea Behind The Wall
Lea Nassim Tajbakhsh
Lea Nassim Tajbakhsh is a herbalist, horticulturist, perennial gardener & pedagogue for wild plants, who works in fields of Urban Gardening, environmental education, and indoor greenery.
Listening to the Land
9.September 2023 10:30
Sea Behind the Wall | Workshop | Harvesting Resilience: Foraging and Guerilla Gardening
Harvesting Resilience – a workshop series by Zeren Oruc This workshop series gives you the opportunity to rethink your relationship with nature, food and consumption. You will be able to [...]
Harvesting Resilience
Listening to the Land
Sea Behind The Wall
3.September 2023 10:00
Sea Behind the Wall | Workshop | Agri/Cultural Practice for Climate Justice
A workshop with Mojisola Adebayo and Nicole Wolf Are you interested in addressing racism and climate injustice? Would you like to explore how art and agroecology can work together? Are [...]
Listening to the Land
Mojisola Adebayo
Nicole Wolf
Sea Behind The Wall
2.September 2023 10:00
Sea Behind the Wall | Workshop | Agri/Cultural Practice for Climate Justice
A workshop with Mojisola Adebayo and Nicole Wolf Are you interested in addressing racism and climate injustice? Would you like to explore how art and agroecology can work together? Are [...]
Listening to the Land
Mojisola Adebayo
Nicole Wolf
Sea Behind The Wall
1.September 2023 17:00
Sea Behind the Wall | Workshop | Agri/Cultural Practice for Climate Justice
A workshop with Mojisola Adebayo and Nicole Wolf Are you interested in addressing racism and climate injustice? Would you like to explore how art and agroecology can work together? Are [...]
Listening to the Land
Mojisola Adebayo
Nicole Wolf
Sea Behind The Wall
Call For Participants: Foraging And Guerilla Gardening Workshop
This workshop gives you the opportunity to rethink your relationship with nature, food and consumption. You will be able to connect with different people in an exchange of skill, knowledge and thoughts.
Listening to the Land
Sea Behind The Wall
Ein kleiner Rückblick zu unserem internen Permaculture Workshop von Mojisola Adebayo und Nicole Wolf, der im Rahmen von 'Listening to the Land' statt fand.
Listening to the Land
Call for participants: Agri/cultural practices for climate justice
Are you interested in addressing racism and climate injustice? Would you like to explore how art and agroecology can work together? Are you Black, of African or Asian descent, an Indigenous person or a Person of Color a white person committed to anti-racism? If so - take part in this workshop!
Listening to the Land
Launch + Vernissage: Species, Soil and Successors
Mitte Juli war es dann endlich soweit: Unserer neuer kuratorischen Schwerpunkt "Listening to the Land" eröffnete mit dem interdisziplinären Projekt "Species, Soil and Successors" von Arijit Bhattacharyya.
Arijit Bhattacharyya
Listening to the Land
Nicole Wolf
Nicole Wolf ist Forscherin, Autorin und Senior Lecturer in Visual Cultures, lebt in Berlin und London und ist weiß und queer.
Listening to the Land
Nicole Wolf
16.Juli 2023 13:00
Exhibition | Species, Soil and Successors
Multimedia-exhibition with artworks by Studio 33/3, Devadeep Gupta and Julia Schuster. Oyouns latest curatorial focus Listening to the Land launches with “Species, Soil and Successors” by Arijit Bhattacharyya, a curatorial [...]
Listening to the Land
15.Juli 2023 14:00
Lecture Performance + Screening | Species, Soil and Successors
Lecture Performances, Screening and discussion with contributions by Hillside Projects, Julia Schuster, Devadeep Gupta, Lea Maria Wittich and Nilanjan Bhattacharya. Curated by Arijit Bhattacharyya Oyouns curatorial focus Listening to the Land launches [...]
Arijit Bhattacharyya
Listening to the Land
15.Juli 2023 14:00
Exhibition Opening | Species, Soil and Successors
Multimedia-exhibition Opening with artworks by Studio 33/3, Devadeep Gupta and Julia Schuster. Oyouns latest curatorial focus Listening to the Land launches with “Species, Soil and Successors” by Arijit Bhattacharyya, a [...]
Listening to the Land
Listening to the Land
"Listening to the Land" entfaltet sich als Medium, um die Erzählungen des Widerstands und einer regenerativen Zukunft über Grenzen und Ozeane hinweg zu transportieren. Es umfasst kreative, alternative Methoden und Formen des revolutionären Aufbegehrens gegen die Umweltzerstörung durch anhaltende koloniale Bestrebungen. Diese interdisziplinäre Initiative, bei der queere, feministische, postkoloniale und indigene künstlerische Interventionen im Mittelpunkt stehen, schafft einen Raum für gegenseitiges Lernen, in dem versteckte Perspektiven an die Oberfläche kommen und transnationale Verwandtschaft gesucht wird.
Listening to the Land
Madhumita Nandi
Madhumita Nandi ist eine indische bildende Künstlerin, Forscherin und Kuratorin, die die Schnittpunkte von Erinnerungskultur, Archivierungspraktiken und Ökologie erforscht. Sie ist Teil des Oyoun-Teams.
Embodied Temporalities
Listening to the Land
Madhumita Nandi
rongin shagor
Mojisola Adebayo
Mojisola Adebayo ist eine Schwarze britische Performerin, Dramatikerin, Regisseurin, Produzentin, Workshopleiterin und Lehrerin nigerianischer (Yoruba) und dänischer Herkunft.
Listening to the Land
Mojisola Adebayo
Camilla Therese Karlsen
Camilla Therese Karlsen ist Autorin, Geschichtenerzählerin, Tänzerin, Luftartistin und Akrobatin. Camilla gehört dem Stamm der Sámi in Nordnorwegen an.
Camilla Therese Karlsen
Listening to the Land
Samirah Siddiqui
Samirah Siddiqui ist Naturschutzbiologin und Umweltexpertin mit Schwerpunkt auf Meeres- und Küstenlebensräumen. Ihre kuratorische Arbeit bildet eine Schnittstelle von Ökologie, Sozialwissenschaften und Kunst.
Listening to the Land
Samirah Siddiqui