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UN:IMAGINABLE – Community Brunch with DJ Robert Soko
22.Mai 2022 10:00 - 15:00

With a community brunch event, we are inviting the Rwandan, German and Bosnian cast of “UN:IMAGINABLE - our histories in conversation” to get together and share with you their journey, experiences and food.
On the decks, we will be musically accompanied by the one and only Robert Soko at the café on the ground floor.
Brunch: 10.00 - 15.00H
DJ Set with Robert Soko: 12.00 - 15.00H
This event is part of UN:IMAGINABLE - our histories in conversation
UN:IMAGINABLE is one remarkable theatre production resulting from lived realities of trauma, war, segregation and exile. In the 1990s the conflicts in Rwanda and the Balkans shattered the world and remain recorded as two of the bloodiest events in modern history. However, testimonies and stories continue to this day. Many have fled their home country and some have reached Germany, a space glorified as paradise.
Society is stuck in suppressed fear and hatred leading to further conflicts while in denial of histories untold. UN:IMAGINABLE mirrors the banality of evil and its connection to everyday, mundane life and deals with the hour prior to death in the lives of victims and perpetrators.
World Premiere: 18 May, at 18.00H (Reception) / 19.30 H (Performance)
Additional performances:
19 May, 19.00H (Doors) / 19.30H (Performance)
22 May, 19.00H (Doors) / 19.30H (Performance)
UN:IMAGINABLE is produced by Oyoun Berlin, Mashirika Performing Arts and Media Company Rwanda and the Sarajevo War Theater Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Supported in the fund TURN2 the Federal Cultural Foundation and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as well as by the Heinrich Böll Foundation.
Collage: Duduetsang Lamola (@blk.banaana)
◥ Im Oyoun ist kein Platz für Sexismus, Queerfeindlichkeit, Transfeindlichkeit, jegliche Form von Rassismus oder Diskriminierung wie antischwarzem, antimuslimischem Rassismus oder Antisemistismus. Dasselbe gilt für jede Art von gewalttätigem, aggressivem oder übergriffigem Verhalten. Oyoun bietet einen sicheren Raum für alle, ein offenes Forum für den Dialog und einen Ort, an dem wir uns gegenseitig unterstützen und füreinander einstehen. Wenn dich jemand oder etwas während einer Veranstaltung stört, wende dich bitte an ein Mitglied unseres Personals, das dafür da ist, dir zu helfen! Wenn du uns nach einer Veranstaltung eine Erfahrung mitteilen möchtest, schreibe uns bitte eine E-Mail an hallo@oyoun.de oder sende uns eine anonyme Nachricht über unsere Website.