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Concert | Marwan Moussa
12.November 2022 19:30 - 23:00

PLEASE NOTE: Due to visa issues, Afroto will not be joining his friend on stage in Berlin. Marwan Moussa will still be performing his own hits, including new releases.
Spearheading the infectious wave of Arab-trap in the region, the Egyptian artists Marwan Moussa and Afroto make their Berlin debut. The two artists from ra2smal collective, who are also best friends offstage, will be performing their own hits, new releases and sharing the stage to perform their collaboration tracks.
_Marwan Moussa
Rapper and producer, Marwan Moussa has been on the scene since 2016, and has spent the past years releasing a staggering amount of singles and EPs, with his first national hit ‘Sheraton’ released in 2020 and followed up with his feature album ‘Florida’.
Tickets available here.
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