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‘Love Songs For Revolution’ – Performance by Cammack Lindsey | THE PATH
15.Oktober 2021 18:00 - 19:00

For their performance, Cammack Lindsey will sing a collection of love songs for resistance and revolution, that embody our shared experiences of oppression under exploitative capitalism. The selection will feature songs written by themselves, along with songs that have inspired them, hoping in turn to inspire you!
// Event Start 18:00
Register for your free ticket to take part here
Cammack Lindsey's work stems from the transition period of opera into musical theatre, composing holobiotical musicals that emerge from symbiotic interactions between the (non-human) subvisible world and the human. Investigating scientific and historical relics of failures from extractive capitalism, they piece together complex networks of oppression to embody forms of collective resistance. Expanding this space to redistribute stolen futures through performances and installations, they collaborate often with (sometimes toxic) cyanobacteria and microalgae, code, the voice, sound, & the materialization of colours, magic, ghosts and clouds.
Based in Berlin, they produced their first 8-hour musical with M.I/mi1glissé at Acker Stadt Palast in May 2017 and in 2019, premiered their most recent musical composition ' ∫ ( { } )_ 𝑣𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑤', releasing the recording online with the label Quantum Natives. As of July 2020, they have completed their masters in 'Art and Media' at UdK Berlin and are currently working on ‘Cyanotoxic Romance’, an upcoming musical and tape release with the label Baba Vanga.
IG: @la.kitty.mia
Website: http://iruuu.tk/
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/cammack_lindsey
Photo by Alice Dalgalarrondo
This performance takes place as part of THE PATH:
THE PATH: A Participatory Public Art Project
THE PATH is a multidisciplinary art project that problematises the relationship between the metropole and the individual from a queer, feminist point of view. Inspired by the pedestrian bridges over the highways in İstanbul, the participatory public installation at Tempelhofer Feld by Umut Azad Akkel invites the participants to an experience simulating the complex character of our co-existence with/within/despite the metropole.
Similarly, the events designed and planned around the conceptual basis of the installation, that will take place at Tempelhofer Feld and at Oyoun will create an experiential and intellectual hub for analyzing our complex being within/with/despite the metropole. The overall perspective of the series of events will be approaching the theme from multiple views and raising critical questions about all its complexity. The focus will be Berlin and Istanbul as two interrelated metropoles and the flux of migration between the two with its implications and possible historical as well as recent meanings.
The Path project was produced by Oyoun in collaboration with Umut Azad Akkel (IG: @azadonfires) as artist, artistic director, and co-curator, Şehnaz Layıkel (IG: @sehnazlayikel) as co-curator and Pegah Keshmirshekan (IG: @pegah.keshmir) and Ilgaz Yalçınoğlu (IG: @ilgazyalcinoglu) as event coordinators. It was funded by the Lotto Stiftung and UdK KKWV.
Please note: To take part in events at Oyoun or visit our exhibitions, you need to have a negative corona test from the same day or proof of vaccination / recovery. FFP2 Masks are mandatory at Oyoun until further notice. Further information about our hygiene concept can be found here