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rongin shagor/রঙিন সাগর | Critical Collective Practices | a lecture presentation anchored by Aroh Akunth
11.November 2022 18:00 - 20:00

In societies that weaponize the alienation of individuals for economic gains, the idea of collectives should offer respite, and alternatives. Though historically these queer organizations have defied affinity to particular kinds of peoples and politics, delegitimization of pro-people ideologies en mass, including workers' rights has led to the role of collectives gaining renewed importance in a unipolar world. It is in their definition-defying formations that collectives have been embodied by various peoples, shaped critical thought, cross-pollinated different kinds of knowledges, and managed to sustain where larger mobilizations failed: fill in gaps created by structures. We invite you to think with us, about how one can connect their individual practices to larger communities, what could be the pedagogy of collective practices, and how to sustain communities that are critical and generative.
The lecture presentation will be anchored by Aroh Akunth.
Joined by: Ming Poon, Priyadharsini (The Blue Club) , Daddypuss Rex
Registration Process: Open to all
Free Entry!
_Aroh Akunth is a dalit-transfeminine writer-performer based between Germany and India. Some of their curatorial work can be found at www.dalitarchives.com.
"Critical Collective Practices" is part of rongin shagor/রঙিন সাগর, an artistic dialogue in which a series of multidisciplinary and multilingual artists respond to the poem "community" by May Ayim. The accompanying web platform will be launched on 13 November on a physical event happening at Oyoun, that will feature not only the artworks but also performances and a very special edition of "The Poetry Meets Series". Responses to the poem are by Kondo Heller, Akinbode Akinbiyi, Amira Zarari, Ozan Zakariya Keskinkılıç, Arijit Bhattacharyya, Bruna Barros and Jess Oliveira, Alice Yuan Zhang, Sara Ehsan, Carla Abiles, Leman Sevda Darıcıoğlu, Jumoke Adeyanju and you...
Artistic direction, concept: Madhumita Nandi
Curation: Madhumita Nandi, Anja Saleh
Curatorial assistance: Melisa Manrique
Communication: Tariq Bajwa
Design: Chhandak Pradhan
Funding/ Admin: Sophia Schmidt, Paul Räther, Nina Martin
The project rongin shagor is developed within the framework of "dive in. Program for Digital Interactions" of the Federal Cultural Foundation, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) in the NEUSTART KULTUR program and the Senate Department for Culture and Europe.
◥ Im Oyoun ist kein Platz für Sexismus, Queerfeindlichkeit, Transfeindlichkeit, jegliche Form von Rassismus oder Diskriminierung wie anti-Schwarzem, antimuslimischem Rassismus oder Antisemitismus. Dasselbe gilt für jede Art von gewalttätigem, aggressivem oder übergriffigem Verhalten. Oyoun bietet einen sicheren Raum für alle, ein offenes Forum für den Dialog und einen Ort, an dem wir uns gegenseitig unterstützen und füreinander einstehen. Wenn dich jemand oder etwas während einer Veranstaltung stört, wende dich bitte an ein Mitglied unseres Personals, das dafür da ist, dir zu helfen! Wenn du uns nach einer Veranstaltung eine Erfahrung mitteilen möchtest, schreibe uns bitte eine E-Mail oder sende uns eine anonyme Nachricht über unsere Website.