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a’21: Underground women_BAAB Collective
11.April 2021 14:00 - 16:00

► a'21: Underground women_BAAB Collective
This Exhibition is a discussion panel. This event explains how women suffer and gives information about the manipulation of the system to get the information about women health and sexuality and how that affect them by exposing them to the major risk behaviour and conciseness and how this lead to heights mortality rate in the word and this due to lack of information and tools of protection by the states systematic oppressions.
Despite digital advancements, the spread of technology and the availability of information, information is still hoarded by specific parties. This is attributed to the povertisation policies, the oppression of freedoms and the forms of capitalist colonisation. And in this regard, third world countries, especially those with a relogenies background are the worst in intentionally spreading ignorance . The current global system has been produced by the colonial system, and it leads to the existence of countries that monopolies institutions like education, law, and health. This was imposed by the formation of certain ministries, like health and the health of a person shifted from a responsibility of the family and the society, to become the responsibility of the state. This has led to communities losing basic information about human health, especially in terms of women and sexual health . According to statistics, Sudan has the highest mortality rate of female deaths worldwide, and this is due to existing policies in Sudan and worldwide un equality, as well as lack of information. From the above, came the idea to focus attention on such issues . As Sudanese feminist, African women coming from Islamic cultures and conservative families with educational privileges. Thus, came the idea for making a short movie, inspired by our personal experiences, that discusses issues of women and sexual health, and how rooted they are in society in the form of misinformation and myths . Movie name: Underground Women. Concept of the movie: The movie is composed of a dialogue about women health and sexuality between two female friends who share a living, in a small one bedroom apartment. Ray is a feminist women who graduated from medical school, and Nour, is another feminist woman who graduated from the school of economics.
► The event link will be shared a few days before the event. Click "going" to stay up to date.
:: LINKS ::
► BAAB Collective @baabcollective YouTube channel facebook.com/bbaabb.sd twitter.com/BaabCollective
* This event is part of Oyoun's a’21 Festival - Post Digital Ignorance x Techno Utopia aiming to challenge the status quo while centering perspectives on non-human life, queer ecology, decolonising knowledge, forced displacement, and more.The project was financed by Berlin’s Hauptstadtkulturfonds.
► See updating festival program on https://ambernetworkfestival.org/
Produced by: Oyoun in collaboration with amberPlatform
Curatorial Team: Amirali Ghasemi, Ali Cem Doğan, Cenkhan Aksoy, Christoph Wachter, Ebru Yetişkin, Ekmel Ertan, Hamza Chamas, Mathias Jud, Milad Forouzandeh, Mohsen Hazrat, Nina Martin, Rajaa Shamam, Youssef El Idrissi Participants include: Eda Sütunç, Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley, Mary Maggic, Rachel Uwa, Renata Salecl, Seloua Luste Boulbina, Pelin Tan, Yara Mekawei, and many more. Funded by: Capital Cultural Fun
► For media and press inquiries, please email hallo@oyoun.de