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Film + Discussion | Transnational Apartheid? Namibia, South Africa, USA and beyond – A Community Conversation
15.Juli 2023 15:00 - 20:00

Film screening of “Germans in Namibia: Apartheid continued...”, a 2-part documentary. To be followed up by a community discussion round
The film dives into the enduring coloniality of German settler colonialism in Namibia and its legacy on the sociopolitical context in Namibia today. A community-based discussion round will follow to tackle the still existing issue and legacy of Apartheid in the world, as well as its historical rootedness in settler colonialism and slavery. The event will be held with a story-teller from Namibia, the USA, and Germany. It invites people from different communities to be in conversation with each other, interrogate said subjects and how settlerism and apartheid continue to frame our lives and political agency. It will also interrogate contemporary questions of organising in an environment of shrinking spaces for radical organising, especially concerning Black-centered issues as well as beyond.
Event to be held in English and German. Film is in English, German subtitles are available. After the event there will be Ethiopian food (even is not funded, so own/individual payments) in the garden space of Oyoun.
Ticket: Free admission
Registration: Possible via namupa@sankofamagik.com
Language: Englisch + German
15:00 h Arrival of guests and brief address
15:05 h - 15:30 h Brief introduction of groups, movements and people present
15:30 h – 16:00 h Short Documentary Film Screening, Namibian Apartheid Today
16:00 h - 18:00 h Discussion
18:00 -20:00 h Ethiopian Food Dinner on Oyoun grounds at individual costs
Namupa Shivute is a storyteller, researcher and freelance journalist from Namibia
E. Chris Summerhill, is an educator in Social Sciences
Inez Singleton is a retired educator and manager of Federal Education Programs in Alabama, USA
People are welcome to watch the (following) videos in advance, if possible and acquaint themselves with the definition of Apartheid, see below:
Rome Statute, 1999, p. 4,
Article 7: Crimes Against Humanity, Paragraph 2, h:
h) "The crime of apartheid" means inhumane acts of a character similar to those referred to in paragraph 1, committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime;
Césaire, Namibia, Germany, and Fascism:
Apartheid Continued - Germans in Namibia:
1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-N9luQaXrE
2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kiQOrNwkR0&t=7s
Oyoun is constantly working to make access to all events offered in the building as barrier-free as possible. For individual information on accessibility, please send us an email to access(at)oyoun.de. We will get back to you as soon as possible. More info on this topic here.
At Oyoun there is no place for sexism, queerphobia, transphobia, any form of racism or discrimination such as anti-Black, anti-Muslim racism or antisemitism. The same applies to any kind of violent, aggressive or assaultive behaviour. Oyoun provides an open forum for dialogue and a place where we support and stand up for each other. If someone or something bothers you during an event, please contact a member of our staff who is there to help you! If you would like to share an experience with us after an event, please email us or send us an anonymous message through our website.