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Exhibition | Yukiko Nagakura: Blood runs in our Bodies
6.August 2023 13:00 - 20.August 2023 19:00

Solo Show of Yukiko Nagakura
The solo show “Blood runs in our bodies"; consists of four movies: 1) “I have a long journey before me.” (2016) on the women in Fukushima and their struggles in the aftermath of the Fukushima disaster in 2011. 2) “The Mother” (2022) about motherhood and maternity from the autobiographical point of view, 3) “Track the trace - Bauhausler Tamae Ohno-” (2023) on a Japanese woman who studied at the Bauhaus Berlin that was forced to close due to the political pressure by the Nazis, and 4) “Ms. Yamada” (2023), telling a story of Waka Yamada, who was a survivor of sexual slavery in the U.S. and became a maternalist feminist in Japan. With these movies as the foundation, new drawings of Yukiko Nagakura will be presented in the space as well. Through the exhibition, the artist draws a line interweaving these womenʼs lived realities.
Soft Opening with artists: 06.08., 13:00 -17:00 h
Registration: not required
Language: Japanese (with English subtitles)
Picture: "Follow the tracks - Bauhausler Tamae Ohno" ©️ 2023, Yukiko Nagakura
Yukiko Nagakura (she/her)
was born in Shizuoka, Japan and currently lives and works in Berlin, Germany. After the tragic nuclear disaster in Fukushima in 2011, she moved to Europe. In 2017, Yukiko completed a Master of Art at the department of Spatial Strategies at the Weißensee School of Art in Berlin. As an Interdisciplinary artist working on video and installation art, her interests include ecology and gender issues. She represents a womanʼs portrait who struggles in the modern society that has developed based on capitalism, developmentalism, and imperialism. Such women she represents are regarded as insignificant and overlooked in the society.
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