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AS* PAPANGUS Street Performance in São Paulo
10.April 2022 19:00 - 21:00

AS* PAPANGUS Street Performance in São Paulo
- 2pm São Paulo / 7pm CET
- street performance at Bananal arte e cultura contemporânea
- live-streamed via Oyoun’s Instagram account
AS* PAPANGUS is a carnival for, by and with women* that does not objectify any marginalized body. In AS* PAPANGUS, the Afro-Brazilian artist Bruna Amaro performs a carnival in its most queer-feminist and decolonial form, with more than 50 women* in São Paulo and Berlin.
In this participatory project, a series of performance workshops laid ground for the following acts. During the two-day workshop in São Paulo, the artist and the participants collectively built up movements and statements for their street performance. Phrases manifesting experiences of survival, transformation and labor, were embroidered on the costumes handmade by Bruna Amaro and the seamstress Eliana Amaro dos Santos.
In the street performance on April 10, 40 women* walk down the streets of São Paulo with the Papangu clothes on, with the statements on their chest, braced with handcrafted props, and dancing to the festive music. As they let their bodies speak, the bodies become flags of triumph.
AS* PAPANGUS opens the first chapter of Oyoun’s curatorial focus Mightier than a Trampled Flower, which centralizes life of women* in wars from a decolonial context and deconstructs the canonical narratives of women* in war.

Thais Aline Ferreira Lúcio da Silva, Flávia Fernandes Belletati, Carmen Cardoso Garcia, Ana Paula da Paz Alves, Juliana Bueno, Iasmin Souza Ribeiro, Larissa Maranho, Clarissa Teixeira Ximenes, Anelise Torres Blanco, Camila de Sousa Trindade, Gabriela Bergamasco, Ana Luiza Chieffi, Iara Santa Clara Coutinho, Graciela Pereira Cruz Soares, Mariana Queiroz da Silva, Melissa Menezes, Gabriela Zuculin, Andressa Arena da Silva, Núria Cordeiro Vieira, Tatiana Burg Mlynarz, Tereza Ferreira Zolli, Verônica Borges Carneiro da Conceição, Gabriela Raphael Duarte, Roseli de Lima Santos, Maíra de Souza Oliveira, Tatiana Cristina de Argenton e Queiroz, Alessandra Cristiane de Mello, Natália Onori Ferraz, Paula Montes, Ana Lucia da Silva Santos, Jucilene Braga Rodrigues, Julia Lima, Nyx Helena Tunes Zampieri, Lourdes Arasy Benítez Espinola
Technical Team
Eliana Amaro dos Santos (Seamstress)
Paula Correa Pedroso (Producer)
Yve Zolli Nolasco (Producer)
Fernanda Andrade (Videographer)
Suellen Santana Amaral (Videographer)
Cássia Roberta Araújo de Oliveira (Photographer)
Maria Clara Silva Loureiro (Photographer)
For more information about the project, visit oyoun.de/as-papangus.
For the other events of AS* PAPANGUS, click here.
AS* PAPANGUS is supported by the Goethe-Institut São Paulo.