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a’21: The new liberalism crises and the emergence of mediatised subjectivity_BAAB Collective
8.April 2021 14:00 - 10.April 2021 16:00
Eine Veranstaltung, die im Abstand von 1 Tag(en) um 14:00 Uhr beginnt und bis zum 10.April 2021 wiederholt wird.
Eine Veranstaltung um 14:00 Uhr am 10.April 2021

►a'21: The new liberalism crises and the emergence of mediatised subjectivity_BAAB Collective
During in the last past decade Sudanese get harm by the US sanctions that affect the whole state and now we are shifting to neoliberal state supporting by US politics and come the question how the new system work and exactly when come to personal information and rights.
In previous eras it often appeared that in relation to the media political action was stifled primarily by the fact that people didn't have sufficient access to information or the
means to communicate and express their own views. Indeed today repressive governments attempt to limit access to websites, close down blogs and Facebook pages, attack journalists, and generally block access to information. Countering such repression is certainly an important battle, and we have repeatedly witnessed how media networks and access to them eventually and inevitably overflow. All such barriers, thwarting attempts to close and silence.
Today's mediatised subjects suffer from the opposite problem, stifled by a surplus of information, communication, and expression. "The problem is no longer getting people to express themselves," Gilles Deleuze explains, "but providing little gaps of solitude and silence in which they might eventually find something to say. Repressive forces don't stop people from expressing themselves, but rather, force them to express themselves. What a relief to have nothing to say, the right to say nothing, because only then is there a chance of framing the rare, and ever rarer, the thing that might be worth saying." The problem of surplus, however, is not really homologous to the problem of lack, and it is not even a matter of quantity.
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:: LINKS ::
► Baab Collective
►Rayan Elhadi Elsayed Hima: performance artist @rayisherelol
►Nour Yahya Hamza Yahya: performance artist @nwara_yahya facebook.com/noor.yahya.319
►Bakry Mohamed Salih
►Elsadig Mohmmed Ahmed
►Mohamed Salah Elmur
►Mustafa Elsiddeg Mustafa Gasemlbari
* This event is part of Oyoun's a’21 Festival - Post Digital Ignorance x Techno Utopia aiming to challenge the status quo while centring perspectives on non-human life, queer ecology, decolonising knowledge, forced displacement, and more.The project was financed by Berlin’s Hauptstadtkulturfonds.
Produced by: Oyoun in collaboration with amberPlatform
Curatorial Team: Amirali Ghasemi, Ali Cem Doğan, Cenkhan Aksoy, Christoph Wachter, Ebru Yetişkin, Ekmel Ertan, Hamza Chamas, Mathias Jud, Milad Forouzandeh, Mohsen Hazrat, Nina Martin, Rajaa Shamam, Youssef El Idrissi
Participants include: Eda Sütunç, Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley, Mary Maggic, Rachel Uwa, Renata Salecl, Seloua Luste Boulbina, Pelin Tan, Yara Mekawei, and many more.
Funded by: Capital Cultural Fund
► For media and press inquiries, please email hallo@oyoun.de