
Exhibition | Species, Soil and Successors

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

Multimedia-exhibition with artworks by Studio 33/3, Devadeep Gupta and Julia Schuster. Oyouns latest curatorial focus Listening to the Land launches with “Species, Soil and Successors” by Arijit Bhattacharyya, a curatorial [...]


Projektwoche | Was bewegt dich?

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

Was bewegt mich? Was motiviert mich? Was will ich in dieser Gesellschaft verändern? Welche Themen sind mir wichtig? Wie kann ich mich ausdrücken? Unser Tanztheaterprojekt “Was bewegt dich?” lädt FLINTA* [...]


Yoga für BIPoC | Diaspora Wellness Club

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

Every week at Oyoun, Yoga-teacher Helen Workneh invites you to practice yoga in a cosy and safe environment. This is a BIPOC only space and open for all levels. You [...]