
Mince e.V. Tanzprogramm

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

(English below) Bis Dezember 2021 finden jeden Mittwoch (01.12., 8.12. und 15.12.) von 16:30 Uhr bis 23:30 Uhr im Rahmen von Mince e.V. Tanzkurse für Kinder und Jugendliche sowie die [...]

ESCAPISM – Exhibition

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

(German below) Affective Archives of Resistance- Enter now! With ESCAPISM, Oyoun opens a platform for an artistic and sociocritical experiment, connecting virtual and physical spaces. In an interactive exhibition at [...]

Manuscripts of Foreign Body(s) X MeeMعَ Podcast

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32, Berlin

Manuscripts of foreign body(s) visual screening panel event, taking forms of manifestation of stories that Queer & Trans* bodies of color hold as a form of existence, from pain to [...]