Curators* Lab 2022
- What role does curation play in deepening our practices and producing knowledge?
- How do we open ourselves to various forms of learning through curation?
- How to empower the self by centering our own lived experiences within curation?
Curators* Lab invites emerging queer BIPOC curators, artists, activists, thinkers, academics, and cultural practitioners to come together to better understand the significant roles of curation as a tool for social movements and knowledge-production outside of the museum and ivory-tower of academia.
Through this platform, we are committed to continuing our work with the queer BIPOC community to practice co-creating, co-curating, and distributing knowledge in the community; for example, through sessions on Navigating Queer Curation and Praxis, Comradeship as Praxis workshop, TRANSCENTERED – Leaving No One Behind, and Process as Collective. Here, we invite participants with their existing skill sets to expand their practices into motions beyond the confined traditional curation.
Curators* Lab will consist of four intensive yet intimate sessions led by artists, activists, and academic curators. The sessions are designed to facilitate and provide an immersive mentorship and knowledge-exchange experience through which fellows will be encouraged to share, learn, and work their ideas alongside our mentors and fellow participants.
Here, we will collectively explore the research processes and various curation forms deeply rooted in queer radical politics, anti-racist work, anti-imperialist, and anti-colonial works transcending the Western canon.
Understanding curation from the standpoints of queer politics, intersectionality, and critical race theory subverts the dominant cultural narratives that shape our practices. With the Curators* Lab, we aim at strategically re-shaping, re-envisioning, and rethinking curation concepts to create new possibilities.
Monday, 05.09.2022
Process as Collective, 10 am – 2 pm
Tuesday, 06.09.2022
Comradeship as Praxis, 10 am – 2 pm
Wednesday, 07.09.2022
Queer Curation and Praxis facilitated by J. Daniel Luther, 10 am – 2 pm
Thursday, 08.09.2022
TRANSCENTERED – Leaving No One Behind by Sanni Est, 10 am – 2 pm
Curation: Ragil Huda, Dami Choi, arjunraj
Concept, Development & Artistic Direction: Louna Sbou, Nina Martin
Communication: Tariq Bajwa
Curators* Lab is kindly supported by Stiftung Pfefferwerk and the British Council