Opening Ceremony
Tracing the memories our bodies hold — Auf den Spuren verkörperter Erinnerungen
Last night we kicked off the EMBODIED ARTS FESTIVAL. The opening ceremony started with a meditation led by Nane Kahle to connect us all on all levels. Oyoun’s Madhumita Nandi, Louna bent Abdelmoula Sbou and Dami Choi then discussed the ideas and processes behind our curatorial focus EMBODIED TEMPORALITIES that led us to the festival which runs until the 18th April.
We invited the curators who are showing their work during the festival to share introduction videos so that we could dive deeper into the topics and get introduced to the projects and the people behind them:
What memories do our bodies hold? What can our bodies tell us about ourselves, our pasts and our futures? We invite you to join us for an artistic exploration of these and many other questions during the EMBODIED ARTS FESTIVAL. We have 20+ performances, film screenings, discussions, and interactive interventions planned for you. Find more information in the festival guide.
Using art as a tool we go in search of answers to questions such as: How do we break taboos about menstruation, about gender norms, about sexualities, about death and mourning? How can we collectively heal trauma? How can our bodies transform from an object that is a carrier of social constraints into a manifestation of thriving, living bodies? Where does hate come from, how does it affect us, and what path does it take from hater to hated?
Follow the streams here: