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Dance | Varnam Salon Germany 2023
6.Mai 2023 17:00 - 18:30

With Lavanya Subramaniam and Neela Bhaskar
Varnam Salon Deutschland (VSD) is a series of performances by Germany-based senior art practitioners, mid-career artists, and upcoming dancers. Varnam is often the “main” piece in a solo Bharatanatyam performance. Our aim is to create an opportunity for young artists to explore his or her connection to the timeless art.
Why Varnam or Swarajathi?
Varnam or Swarajathi is a long endurance piece that requires the depth of understanding of the chosen narrative and of the dancing body. We want to encourage dancers to spend months creating and perfecting a piece and to perform it in an intimate performance space.
Why Varnam Salon Germany?
- To bring the bharatanatyam recitals closer to the hearts of the audience
- To inspire young dancers, by providing a platform to explore this repertoire
- They work to sow, nourish and sustain a hub for Indian classical dance in Germany
Tickets: 18 € / 15 € (Children) | Tickets available here.
Doors: 16:30
Show: 17:00
Oyoun is constantly working to make access to all events as barrier-free as possible. To receive individual information on accessibility, please send us an email. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
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