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Tjef Sema Paut Neteru Yoga with Nane Kahle

28.Februar 2021 11:30 - 13:00

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Eine Veranstaltung, die im Abstand von 1 Woche(n) um 11:30 Uhr am Sonntag stattfindet und bis 4.April 2021 wiederholt wird.

Let’s decolonize yoga practice together 🧘🏾‍♀️🧘🏿‍♀️🧘🏽‍♂️🧘🏿‍♂️:

Join Nane Kahle (IG: @nanekahlesound) on a yoga journey...The “Tjef Sema Paut Neteru” System is a yoga practice based on Ancient Egyptian knowledge. This somatic technology brings you the awareness of the connection with your mind, your spirit, your body and your inner world in a way that celebrates your autonomy in cultivating inner strength and peace.

Explore the multi-faceted and unexplored side of this Egyptian practice with Nane:

When: Every Sunday until 4th April, 11:30 Berlin time

Where: Via Zoom > send Nane an email to get the link: nanekemeticyoga (at)

Nane Kahle is a multicultural being whose roots are located in Ivory Coast, Senegal, Guadeloupe, France, and now, Berlin. This multiplicity informs her way of seeing and existing. Spirituality has always been around her since a young age and dive deeper exploring Ancient knowledge. Coming from a biology background Nane’s connection with nature and spirit science converges as a curiosity about living organisms and how they interact with a universal consciousness. Her creative practice is concerned with the intersection between movement, medicine, physical and spiritual. Her beliefs are rooted in humanity, balance and an energy of unity in all things.

This series of yoga sessions is one of many ongoing projects for Oyoun’s curatorial focus EMBODIED TEMPORALITIES - some of the participants will be recording their experiences in different journal formats. Outcomes from all the projects will be presented and celebrated during the EMBODIED ARTS FESTIVAL from 8th - 18th April. So watch this space..


28.Februar 2021
11:30 - 13:00
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