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The Space Age Kiki Ball and Party

1.April 2023 15:00 - 2.April 2023 00:00

Mother Dream Louboutin invites you to a journey through time, space, pop culture and fashion. The Space Age Fashion of the 60’s was game changing. Elegant fashion paired up with technology, futuristic objects, aliens and much more! But tonight we wanna see your own version of Space Age. So have fun with it and get creative. Get inspired by the original 60’s Space Age, but also by technology in general, The Fifth Element, Paco Rabanne, Matrix, Afro Futurism, Mad Max, Moon Boots, NASA, Aliens, Black Panther, and whatever comes to your mind - as long as it’s giving obvious futuristic vibes and space references. You may wear the same outfit for multiple categories.

>>>After the ball there will be a party curated by Dream<<<


Doors tickets: 3pm
Doors hall: 4pm
Ball start: 4.30pm
DJ Set by HANABY: 8pm - 10pm
DJ Set by Byrell The Great: 10pm - 11pm

DJ Set by kursiv: 11pm - 12pm

Tickets and pricing:

- Participants (competitors): 5€ (including ball and party)
> Registration for participants:

- QT*BIPOC Spectators: 10€ (including ball and party)

- Non-QT*BIPOC Spectators: 15€ (including ball and party)

!! Cash only !! Tickets at the door only. No presale.


MC: Lucca Louboutin

DJ: Legendary Byrell The Great Juicy (New York)
Video: this event will be recorded and uploaded to Youtube by @kuntzwerkTV

Mother Mandhla Laveaux
Father Nake Juicy
Amanita Marciano
Fab Louboutin
Princess Paulah Savage (Paris)

Categories in order:

Face OTA
Tag Team Runway OTA (must include at least 1 Beginner)
Body OTA
Tag Team Performance OTA (must include at least 1 Beginner)
Best look of the night OTA
Tag Team Realness OTA
Sex Siren OTA
Surprise Category

Oyoun is constantly working to make access to all events as barrier-free as possible. To receive individual information on accessibility, please send us an email. We will get back to you as soon as possible.


◥ Im Oyoun ist kein Platz für Sexismus, Queerfeindlichkeit, Transfeindlichkeit, jegliche Form von Rassismus oder Diskriminierung wie anti-Schwarzem, antimuslimischem Rassismus oder Antisemitismus. Dasselbe gilt für jede Art von gewalttätigem, aggressivem oder übergriffigem Verhalten. Oyoun bietet einen sicheren Raum für alle, ein offenes Forum für den Dialog und einen Ort, an dem wir uns gegenseitig unterstützen und füreinander einstehen. Wenn dich jemand oder etwas während einer Veranstaltung stört, wende dich bitte an ein Mitglied unseres Personals, das dafür da ist, dir zu helfen! Wenn du uns nach einer Veranstaltung eine Erfahrung mitteilen möchtest, schreibe uns bitte eine E-Mail ( oder sende uns eine anonyme Nachricht über unsere Website.


1.April 2023 15:00
2.April 2023 00:00
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Lucy-Lameck-Staße 32
Berlin, 12049 Deutschland
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