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Poetry meets ALTE w/ Otis Mensah & Somadina
19.November 2022 19:00 - 20.November 2022 00:00

The Poetry Meets Series is presenting their first intimate Poetry Meets ALTE edition with main acts Otis Mensah and Somadina as well as an array of magnificent poets, celebrating alternative music, the metaphysical and the poetics of the inbetween.
Doors: 19:00 h
Start: 20:00 h
Tickets: via Eventbrite
Main acts:
Otis Mensah is a musician and performing-artist exploring the intersection of poetry and experimental music(s). Taking influence from the rhythmic and expressive freedom of Jazz, Otis’ work uses aesthetic language as an instrument to solo through themes of identity & existence. Since Otis' tenure as Sheffield's first Poet Laureate and debuts at Glastonbury and We Out Here, Otis has played with the likes of Moor Mother, Benjamin Zephaniah and Little Simz.
Somadina is making music for herself. Part of the global generation of women where literally anything and nothing is simultaneously possible, Somadina is finding her way one song at a time and cutting straight to the point. Her music is a tribute to the multiplicity of coming of age in a culture of metamodernism. In her 22 years, Somadina has travelled the globe, collecting experiences from a variety of places to call home. The genre blending nature of Somadina’s music is testament to her disparate references and ability to create her own unique sound. While Somadina’s music varies from track to track her unmistakable powerhouse of a voice is the ever present connection across her work. “If people can both hear and see my vision, I figure they should be able to feel it..” And it is this creation of a feeling, a mood - an undeniable energy - that makes Somadina such an intoxicating proposition.
Amora Bosco is a Kenyan writer, poet, spoken word performance artist, facilitator, and activist based in Berlin, Germany. Her mission is to bring about empowerment and positive change in the lives of African and the African Diaspora, tackling issues of social justice, culture, health, and education through creative writing, storytelling, and performance art. Bosco has and continues to establish platforms that give voices and raise awareness for diverse issues /situations in the everyday life of the Black diaspora community. Growing up in Mombasa’s thriving music scene Bosco performed, recorded music, and co-founded an artist network and event management organization focused on promoting Kenyan artists and music acts from the coastal region. Bosco works in project and event management, teaches creative writing courses and facilitates workshops on a range of topics, and offers African language classes.
Adalet Müzeyyen: „I am because they are“ I am not just a me, I am a we! In her stage presence Adalet wants to provide visibility for trans people and intersectional fights and show what they are capable of. Breaking down prejudices, self-empowerment and empowerment as a community are Adalet's goals. As an aspiring lawyer, she intervenes in political discourses outside of her art to fight for more rights and a better quality of life for marginalized people.
Oluwatoniloba is a model, content creator and poet. As a Nigerian with the zodiac sign Sagittarius, she describes herself as a double force. Growing up in Stuttgart, she found her love for poetry and fashion. She has been living in Berlin for 4 years now and found her love for herself there. Oluwatoniloba uses her voice and platform to motivate others and give them the confidence to be their true selves.
Film Screening:
The Dig: “You and I and You” by Terrence Nance
After the Line Up Program, our all-time favourite DJ PAM BAM will heat up the space for you before Groove Service by Peeps will deliver an exhilarating afterparty.
With generous support from Berliner Projektfonds für Urbane Praxis
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