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British Council Literature Seminar | Kit de Waal
17.März 2023 19:30 - 21:30
8,00€ – 10,00€
Prize-winning author Kit de Waal (My Name Is Leon) reads and discusses her latest works in this event on the second evening of the British Council Literature Seminar 2023. Kit worked for fifteen years in criminal and family law, was a magistrate for several years and sits on adoption panels. Her first novel, "My Name Is Leon", was published in 2016 and was shortlisted for the Costa Book Award. Her memoir, "Without Warning and Only Sometimes: Scenes from an Unpredictable Childhood", was published in 2022.
Tickets for this event can be bought separately or are included in the ticket price of the British Council Literature Seminar 2023, taking place between Thursday-Saturday. More information about the whole seminar is available on the British Council website.
Tickets: 10 € / 8 € (reduced) | Ticket button at the bottom of this page
For those who cannot afford the ticket price at the moment, we've reserved a limited amount of free tickets that are available via e-mail at hallo@oyoun.de.
Photo: © Paul Crowther
Kit de Waal was brought up among the Irish community of Birmingham in the ‘60s and ‘70s. Her debut novel "My Name Is Leon" was an international bestseller, shortlisted for the Costa First Novel Award, longlisted for the Desmond Elliott Prize and won the Kerry Group Irish Novel of the Year Award for 2017. Her second novel, "The Trick to Time", was longlisted for the Women's Prize and her young adult novel "Becoming Dinah" was shortlisted for the Carnegie CLIP Award 2020. A collection of short stories, "Supporting Cast", was published in 2020. An anthology of working-class writing, "Common People", was crowdfunded and edited by Kit in 2019. Her memoir "Without Warning and Only Sometimes" was published in August 2022.
Oyoun is constantly working to make access to all events as barrier-free as possible. To receive individual information on accessibility, please send us an email. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
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