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ARTIST TALK WITH RATU R SARASWATI | KAUM – Indonesian Alternative Film & Performance Festival
20.August 2021 19:15 - 19:45

The KAUM Indonesian Alternative Performance & Film Festival organised by the Soydivision collective aims to raise underrepresented voices in the Indonesian society on issues related to the environment, the Chinese-Indonesian society, East Indonesia, Feminism, and LGBTQ+. These different topics translate into the categories of the festival: dare to be conscious, dare to be different, dare to be east, dare to be equal, dare to be oneself!
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→ Discussion/ 30 min / english
Saraswati (ID) examines the nature of human aggression and reparation. In her practice, she attempts to find an equilibrium by actively sensing and anticipating within the frame of performativity. In the process, she investigates collective resolutions to heal psychological wounds through attunement with other living beings in the landscape she inhabits. While inviting the interpersonal values of art, she thoroughly observes the archive of the everyday by unfolding the intersection of personal experience and collective narratives amid today’s increasing intolerance.
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Funded by: #TakePart funding program by Fonds Darstellende Künste
Partners: Queer Asia, European Solidarity Corps, In-Docs, Minikino, Jakarta Feminist