Creative Writing Workshop - “Who has the right to tell whose story?”

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Who has the right to tell whose story? Are we really expected to write about our unique, fetishizable, heartbreaking lives? Or do we have the right to write about lives and worlds that are beyond us? Where does empathy begin and where does it end? How can we create a three-dimensional "other" without [...]

Decolonizing Voices - Kick off Wearebornfree Decolonial Mission Academy

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Networking party with DJ at the end of the event Wearebornfree Decolonial Mission Academy, an association that is still being founded, cordially invites you to its kick-off event. An evening is planned to present the ideas and goals of the association, which should encourage exchange and networking through readings and discussions. Program: Two decolonial poems, [...]

The Dreamy Birthday Mini Ball by Dream Miyake-Mugler

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Dream Miyake-Mugler invites you to celebrate her birthday. But even more to celebrate their biggest ballroom inspirations, parents, role models and influences. The categories will be inspired by them - to pay homage and give them their flowers. 🌹❤️ From Creamy to Steamy to Dreamy - you know it will be a blast! Participants: 10€ [...]

İDEAL (theater performance)

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

(German text below) Yıllar boyu süren araştırmaların sonucu, teknolojinin ve hatta antropolojinin geldiği son nokta, “İdealler Makinası”, ayağınıza geldi! Sizlere angeboteta neler sunuyor, neler: Nur topu gibi ürünler, Alles inclusive yazlık seyahatler, Her damak tadına uygun migrantlar, Görli'de huzur dolu piknikler, Memleketten son haberler, davetli davetsiz misafirler, en yeni dalgalar ve daha nice sürprizler... guest collective [ ...]


Ministry of Compassion + Rosa Shakur – performance, concert and live visuals

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

The Ministry of Compassion invites you to the garden of Oyoun. The ministers of the collective, which emphatically resists social coldness and the brutalization of language, answer questions on the topics of compassion, empathy and grief. The band "Rosa Shakur" around the musician and activist Vincent Bababoutilabo, together with live visuals by the artist [...]

Médine Tidou – Fallen Figures | exhibition opening

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

The Fallen Figures exhibition, which premiered in 2020, examines the idea of ​​a possible memorial to Europe's colonial past from the perspective of the colonized countries. Colonial memorials are noticeable everywhere in Ivory Coast, with statues of former colonists at intersections and magnificent buildings on the beach. In Germany, too, colonial history can be found in street names, statues [...]

Médine Tidou – Fallen Figures | exhibition

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

The Fallen Figures exhibition, which premiered in 2020, examines the idea of ​​a possible memorial to Europe's colonial past from the perspective of the colonized countries. Colonial memorials are noticeable everywhere in Ivory Coast, with statues of former colonists at intersections and magnificent buildings on the beach. In Germany, too, colonial history can be found in street names, statues [...]

UN:IMAGINABLE @ Ubumuntu Arts Festival Kigali

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

UN:IMAGINABLE - our histories in conversation _a musical documentary performance on the soundtracks of war_ In mid-July, the entire UN:IMAGINABLE team, including some Oyoun team members, will be at the Ubumuntu Arts Festival at the Genocide Memorial Kigali. In addition to the first performance of the transnational collaboration in Rwanda, Oyoun's Louna Sbou will take part in a panel on "Diversity as an element [...]

Classic Minority Presents: Fundraiser for NYU Tisch (Film Screening, Discussion & Party)

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Classic Minority cordially invites you to Fundraiser #2! The aim is to raise money for Maisa Lihedheb's visa and housing expenses in the USA so that she can start her master's degree in directing at NYU Tisch in the fall. To make this evening unforgettable for everyone, we have planned a great program with various media reports. First, [...]

Nyama (MEAT) FILM – Screening at the Fundraising Event for the Equal Earth Experience (EEE) Project

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Since the illegal evictions of Uganda's native Batwa in the 1990s, profit-driven tourism projects in these forests have largely excluded the Batwa from trespassing or administering the lands to which they have been entitled for generations. This made them dependent on either adapting to capitalist agricultural production techniques, trophy hunting, or cultural [...]

Life Drawing Club

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

The Art Expression Life Drawing Club is back in Berlin! As of this month – July 22 – Art-Expression Studios will host at least one Life-Drawing session in the last week of every month at Oyoun. Come and join us for three hours of Life-Drawing with live models posing. The event will take place at the club [...]

Cancelled: Sham Trio & Basma Jabr

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

  Bulbul Berlin and Sham Trio cordially invite you to the live concert here at Oyoun! About the musicians: _Sham Trio, a musical trio formed in Berlin and consists of three Syrian musicians: Sam, Hasan and Yazan. The three started making music together with other friends and musicians in Damascus, Syria in 2013. They moved [...]

Poetry Meets Pop'n'Soul | Headliner Blazey, RnB rising star Sadik Wave and Poets Ana Lucão & Jil Jilec.

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

The Poetry Meets Series pres. a special edition of Poetry Meets Pop'n'Soul with Headliner BLAZEY, upcoming RnB Singer Sadik Wave from Cologne and poets Ana Lucão and Jil Jilec. Film Screening: 'Scars' by Yemi Osokoya (Nigeria) ENTRY: 7PM START: 8PM Tickets available here. Headlining Act: BLAZEY BLAZEY is a 22 year old queer Afro-German singer, [...]

Final Screening – Mad World (Short Film)

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Painting, Film and Music – Short Film Screening, 2 Live Special Acts + 1 Painter Exhibiting their Art Paintings We contribute to the growth of our society every day. We like to experience beautiful moments, need contact with many people and have enough opportunities to occupy ourselves or to distract ourselves. Why not? All the more diverse, [...]

AUTOPOIESIS: Recognizing Kin Across Antipodal Topologies | exhibition opening

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Andrew Ananda Voogel in Khirkee Voice / Christopher Udemezue / Dhrubo Jyoti / Elyla / Jesús Hilario-Reyes / Prabhakar Pachpute / Rajyashri Goody / Subas Tamang Curated by Shaunak Mahbubani with curatorial advice from Vidisha-Fadescha, Eli Moon and Madhumita Nandi Opening: 03 August 2022 , 19:00 - 22:00 Exhibition: 04 - 30 August, Tuesday - Saturday, [...]

Antipodal After Party with MORENXXX and Fadescha

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

The exhibition opening of “AUTOPOIESIS: Recognizing Kin Across Antipodal Topologies” will be followed by an Antipodal After Party with MORENXXX and Fadescha, both having their first ever gigs in Berlin! Tickets at the door: 5 € If you are QTBIPOC* and cannot afford the entrance fee, please write an email to About the artists: [...]

AUTOPOIESIS: Recognizing Kin Across Antipodal Topologies | Exhibition (Tuesday to Saturday)

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Andrew Ananda Voogel in Khirkee Voice / Christopher Udemezue / Dhrubo Jyoti / Elyla / Jesús Hilario-Reyes / Prabhakar Pachpute / Rajyashri Goody / Subas Tamang Curated by Shaunak Mahbubani with curatorial advice from Vidisha-Fadescha, Eli Moon and Madhumita Nandi Opening: 03 August 2022 , 19:00 - 22:00 Exhibition: 04 - 30 August, Tuesday - Saturday, [...]

AUTOPOIESIS: Opening Program – Friday

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

As part of the opening week of the exhibition "AUTOPOIESIS: Recognizing Kin Across Antipodal Topologies", some of the artists and curators are not only in town for the vernissage, but also tell their stories in a series of additional events. The Friday program starts in the garden of Oyoun with a conversation between the (co-)curators Eli Moon & Shaunak Mahbubani on [...]


Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

RUPTURE is like breathing underwater Against all appearances of the impossible, breathing for those who have preferred (insert word) to captivity RUPTURE is the knowledge that every time we gather our bodies in a room, something shifts up and down and all becomes tangible around us, is in motion and on our [...]

Book premiere: Confidentialities – Max Lobe. Discussion and reading (German/English/French)

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

A warm invitation to talks, readings, drinks & music in the Oyoun garden! In "Confidentialities" Max Lobe returns to his native Cameroon and travels to the Bassa forest to learn from the old Mâ Maliga what she knows about the independence movement in Cameroon and its leader Ruben Um Nyobè. "Confidentialities" is the narration this talkative and [...]

SOUP3 - Gathering

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

We invite you to drink soup with us! After our “Open Call” on the SOUP3 project a few weeks ago, numerous activists and artists from the neighborhood applied with their great ideas. Three selected project groups want to tell you their ideas over a cup of soup! We were very enthusiastic about your contributions and look forward [...]

Free of charge

AUTOPOIESIS: Recognizing Kin Across Antipodal Topologies | NARRATIONS II

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

The AUTOPOIESIS public program continues this weekend with a deeper exploration of the histories and neighborhoods that drive exchanges between South Asia, Central America and the Caribbean. From 16:00 p.m. to 17:30 p.m. there will be a curatorial tour with the exhibition curators Shaunak Mahbubani, Eli Moon and Vidisha Fadescha, followed by the discussion "Two Positions [...]

Queer Arab Cabaret

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

queerfalafel and kleo.lafaraona are on a queer Fdi7a family trip, visiting Berlin from Barcelona. They are invading the city deconstructing binarisms and performing their anti-colonial shows. Tickets: Free admission / donation based ◥ In Oyoun there is no place for sexism, queer hostility, transphobia, any form of racism or discrimination such as anti-black, anti-Muslim [...]

Recurring appointments

Yoga for BIPOC – Diaspora Wellness Club

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

From next Wednesday, August 24.08.2022th, XNUMX, there will be the weekly opportunity to practice yoga together with Helen Workneh, Jivamukti yoga teacher with Ethiopian roots, in a comfortable and safe setting. And that with us on the first floor of the Oyoun! It's a BIPOC only space and open to all levels, so no previous experience is necessary. One [...]

Building Lives in the Context of Forced Migration – Film Screening

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Film screening Life plans in the context of forced migration Five short films about the life of refugees in Berlin Screening & Celebration The five short films give intimate insights into the different life plans of people in the context of forced migration in Berlin. The films are part of an MA seminar on visual anthropology at the Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology at Freie Universität [...]

Firefly Women

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

The performance "Firefly Women" unfolds feminist dreams and weaves utopias of solidarity in times of oppression. Between documentary and fiction, the play follows the letters of two women who were wrongfully jailed during the Citizenship Bill protests that swept across India in 2019. Through FIREFLY WOMEN there are revolutions on the streets, mass protests and [...]

€ 5,00 - € 15,00
Recurring appointments

Yoga for BIPOC -Diaspora wellness club

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

We meet every Wednesday at 18:30 p.m. on the first floor of Oyoun to practice yoga together in a comfortable and safe setting. This is a BIPOC only space and open to all levels. So you don't need any previous experience. Bring your mat and a towel or blanket for final relaxation. If you do yoga blocks [...]

Bia Ferreira - Concert

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Admission: 20:00 p.m. | INACY: 21:00 | Bia Ferreira: 22:00 | + DJs Nara + Grace Kelly tickets: 20 € | Presale at the bottom of the page | Tickets are also available at the box office! _Bia Ferreira, Afro-Brazilian musician and activist, is performing a live concert here at Oyoun on September 3rd! Born in Minas Gerais, [...]


CANCELLED: Angel Haze – Girl with the Fun Tour

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Already with her first mixtapes and EPs, she was able to get extremely good responses, so that soon a bidding war between the big labels started, which Universal won. From then on, she devoted herself exclusively to music and within a very short time developed her own, stable unique selling point, which quickly found great approval in the male-dominated rap scene. [...]

Sabine Salamé Live at Oyoun!

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Sabine Salamé is arriving at Oyoun on September 16th__ Live! She is a Lebanese journalist who found in rap a method to express herself away from the censorship of media platforms. She will be performing "التعايش مع البقاء " "Co-existence with Survival" EP funded by AFAC and produced by William Mahfoud. In addition to many [...]


Canceled Life Drawing Club

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

The Art Expression Life Drawing Club is back in Berlin! Every month Art-Expression Studios will host at least one Life-Drawing session in the last week of every month at Oyoun. Come and join us for three hours of Life-Drawing with live models posing. The event will take place at the club room in Oyoun. If you want [...]

Recurring appointments

dance performance | Nora Amin: Rerooting

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

A dance performance based on the vocabulary and techniques of Baladi dance, Raqs-Sharqi, from a feminist perspective. The performance follows the style of choreographer Nora Amin who works with Baladi dance in contexts of liberating emotionality, retrieving the personal and autonomous held of identity and sexuality beyond the modes of patriarchal tradition, subjugation, discrimination, and [...]

Workshop | Llewellyn Mnguni: Contemporary Dance Class

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Llewellyn Mnguni hails from the small town of Mafikeng in the North West Province of South Africa. As a performer, Llewellyn Mnguni grew up in many different artistic and educational settings in South Africa which led Llewellyn to appreciate the many different dance styles and disciplines, especially in the many cultures of her country where dance is an integral part of [...]

€ 10,00 - € 20,00

Performance | Llewellyn Mnguni: Resilience

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Resilience tells the true and complicated story of a South African-born LGBTQIA+ activist raised in South Africa's strict Setswana culture. Being gay and being an artist brought with it obstacles stemming from the old values ​​of previous generations and the influences of society in which a man's identity is constantly under attack, wrong [...]

€ 7,00 - € 10,00

Workshop | Llewellyn Mnguni: Contemporary Dance Class

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Llewellyn Mnguni hails from the small town of Mafikeng in the North West Province of South Africa. As a performer, Llewellyn Mnguni grew up in many different artistic and educational settings in South Africa which led Llewellyn to appreciate the many different dance styles and disciplines, especially in the many cultures of her country where dance is an integral part of [...]

Healing Circle 4 BIPOC Men

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

This is a BIPOC Men Circle. The aim is to get together and share different experiences in this journey called life. Being a BIPOC Man in this society brings different challenges. Participants come together as brothers, as men. Letting go of our toxic masculinity and exploring sustainable masculinity. This is a safe space and everything [...]

Ali Azimi Live in Berlin

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Ali Azimi Live at Oyoun! After a successful 11-city sold-out North American tour, Ali Azimi will be playing Berlin for the second time, at the Oyoun! This concert in Berlin is part of his European tour in 2022. The show will feature songs from the current album Kahrobaye Arezou as well as many classics such as [...]

Black & Brown Cabaret Dinner Show

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Ready to be the change you want in the world? Then come to the Black and Brown Cabaret of the most diverse and authentic performance cabaret dinner shows in Berlin (or maybe even the whole nation). The Black and Brown Cabaret is a trans*, queer*, feminist, POC and refugee-run, inclusive space for celebrating all types of bodies [...]

€ 12,00 - € 15,00

Sold out: Book premiere – Mohamed Amjahid: Let's Talk About Sex, Habibi

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Our view of love and desire in North Africa is heavily influenced by clichés, orientalism and fetishization. But what freedoms are there in supposedly closed societies? Where are the boundaries and who defines them? Mohamed Amjahid shows how the everyday sexuality of North Africans really is and does away with racist stereotypes. He talks about orgies [...]

€ 8,00 - € 10,00

Livestream transmission: Book premiere - Mohamed Amjahid: Let's Talk About Sex, Habibi @ Oyoun-Club

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

In addition to the sold-out reading by Mohamed Amjahid, we are offering a live stream in the Oyoun Club. Tickets are free but must be reserved using the ticket button at the bottom of this page. Our view of love and desire in North Africa is heavily influenced by clichés, orientalism and fetishization. But what freedoms are there in supposedly closed societies? Where [...]

Free of charge

Living Together / Looking Apart – Activist and Artistic Gathering

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

The three-day academic, activist and artistic gathering focuses on the representational strategies, practices and histories of living together in the so-called multicultural and multi-ethnic societies in the Global South and within Europe. We draw attention to what Fathima Tobing Rony calls visual biopolitics whereby visual representation determines which lives are made to matter more than [...]

RIOT NOW! Denazification - Germany, the land of lone perpetrators

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

With: Asal Dardan, Seda Basay-Yildiz and Mely Kiyak. Moderator: Koray Yilmaz-Günay Generations of people with a history of immigration, PoCs and Black people live here, shape the culture and write German history. Every day. But the "self-image of the Germans" continues to lag behind this irreversible fact. Which institutions and laws protect those who express their frustration and anger or [...]

Free of charge

Workshop | Llewellyn Mnguni: Contemporary Dance Class

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Llewellyn Mnguni hails from the small town of Mafikeng in the North West Province of South Africa. As a performer, Llewellyn Mnguni grew up in many different artistic and educational settings in South Africa which led Llewellyn to appreciate the many different dance styles and disciplines, especially in the many cultures of her country where dance is an integral part of [...]

€ 10,00 - € 15,00

concert | JadaL X Disco Misr

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

JadaL x Disco Misr: The ultimate music experience for the first time in Europe! The Arabic rock band JadaL, founded in 2003, will take the stage this evening with soulful words and perfectly timed melodies between rock, Jordanian-Arabic lyrics and pop sounds. In addition to JadaL, the Egyptian music producers Amr Emad, Mostafa El Sherif and Chady Mobasher will also be performing as Disco [...]

Workshop | Llewellyn Mnguni: Contemporary Dance Class

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Llewellyn Mnguni hails from the small town of Mafikeng in the North West Province of South Africa. As a performer, Llewellyn Mnguni grew up in many different artistic and educational settings in South Africa which led Llewellyn to appreciate the many different dance styles and disciplines, especially in the many cultures of her country where dance is an integral part of [...]

€ 10,00 - € 15,00

Date Killer Academy Showcase Event

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Over the past few months, this year's Datteltäter Academy Fellows have turned their ideas into artistic projects with a social impact and are presenting them publicly for the first time at the showcase event. We want to celebrate this together with you. With a keynote by special guest Yassmin Abdel-Magied and the artistic input of the fellows, we want to create connections and space [...]

Film (INDIANARA) + Performance + Live Stream Brazil Elections | Kisses of the Spider Men (_Beijos de homens aranha_)

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

ESRAordínaer * & Indianara DON'T LOOK AWAY, rather LOOK AWAY! October 2nd is a landmark day. For the world and especially for Brazil, because that's where the elections take place. ESRAordínaer* & friends* take the day as an opportunity to focus on the visibility of the current martyrdom of LGBTIQ+ people as part of a queer art event! Will be shown [...]

Matla Ahuna - Special Event with Live Band

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Matla Ahuna means "The power is within me". With this transformational special event, your power is waiting to be discovered so you can truly create your best life. Where do we go from here? That will be the overarching question of this event, which aims to provide not only answers but also helpful solutions that really work. The [...]

rongin shagor/রঙিন সাগর | Speculating 'Caste' - Workshop with AROH AKUNTH

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Aroh will host a craft talk that brings the themes emerging out of caste to the writers, enables them to see and read it in different contexts, and also possibly write about it. All systems of discrimination have an inherent logic of merit to them, caste just amplifies it differently than others, it literally produces [...]

Postponed Queer ping pong

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Dear friends and future friends, Due to the weather conditions, Queer Ping Pong has decided to postpone the event by one week to October 08th, 2022. LINE UP and CONCERT remain unchanged. Thanks for your understanding! We hope that we can reach all of our ping pong players and music lovers! We hope that on October 08th [...]

Healing Circle 4 BIPOC Men

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

This is a BIPOC Men Circle. The aim is to get together and share different experiences in this journey called life. Being a BIPOC Man in this society brings different challenges. Participants come together as brothers, as men. Letting go of our toxic masculinity and exploring sustainable masculinity. This is a safe space and everything [...]

BVT*-Fachtage 2022 Knowledge Transfer – Research by and for Trans*communities

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

The Federal Trans* Association invites you to the first BVT* specialist days. The specialist days offer a platform for scientists, multipliers and interested individuals to network and to discuss current research projects on trans* issues. In addition to networking, there will be an opportunity on this day to discuss research ideas in areas such as health, social policy and law, as well as communities and [...]

Talc | AUTOPOIESIS | Publishing as Poiesis

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Featuring Party Office (Coral, Pranita Thorat, Vidisha-Fadescha), Fehras Publishing Practices (Sami Rustom & Kenan Darwich) and Nino Bulling, moderated by Shaunak Mahbubani Continuing AUTOPOIESIS, curator Shaunak Mahbubani invites Party Office, Fehras Publishing Practices and Nino Bulling to elaborate on recent publishing projects presented at documenta fifteen. Party Office collaborators Coral and Pranita will speak about [...]

Conference | My City is a Battleground—Intersectionality and Urban Violence

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

4th International Conference of the Collaborative Research Center “Re-Figuration of Spaces”, October 20-21, 2022 The Collaborative Research Center “Re-Figuration of Spaces” has a particular interest in how spatial and social conflicts interplay and how these conflicts connect with the intersectional tensions that accompany processes of urban spatial refiguration. Taking its inspiration from decades of research [...]

INDIGO: a friends & family event

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

The black community project “INDIGO” welcomes you to a night that merges a variety of artistic expressions. We want to showcase and celebrate the impact of black womxn in our society. Indigo is a poetic, Afro-surrealist short film telling the story of two black German womxn who meet during a hair braiding session. First experiencing [...]

Film, Exhibition, Performance | Hybrid visuals

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

An art event showcasing art films, digital exhibition, Q/A, performances and Dj The presented works deal with the subject of deconstructing identity in the context of Visual Arts and aim to raise awareness within our communities. Hosted by Astan Meyer, Cille Sch and Arnaud Ele Featuring Nicholas Rose, ZOEYLEE, [...]

Canceled Life Drawing Club

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

The Art Expression Life Drawing Club is back in Berlin! Every month Art-Expression Studios will host at least one Life-Drawing session in the last week of every month at Oyoun. Come and join us for three hours of Life-Drawing with live models posing. The event will take place at the club room in Oyoun. If you want [...]

rongin shagor/রঙিন সাগর | Embodying Community: A Small-Group Pillow Talk with ALICE YUAN ZHANG 张元

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

How does the diasporic body transmit, sense, and cache memories of community? Explore this inquiry together with an intimate group of POC at Embodying Community, a peer-learning gathering hosted by artist Alice Yuan Zhang at Oyoun. We will start by reading the Afro-German poet and activist May Ayim's poem “Community”, which is the focal point [...]

rongin shagor/রঙিন সাগর | Stitching the memory - workshop with CARLA ABILÉS

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

The workshop is presented as a group meeting to reflect on the poem "Community" by May Ayim and to create a banner or banner collectively that encapsulates experiences, impacts, projections of the poem and the idea of ​​what community means. It will seek to create a space for listening and dialogue among participants to reflect [...]

Recurring appointments

Yoga for BIPoC – Diaspora Wellness Club

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Every Wednesday at 6:15pm at Oyoun Yoga teacher Helen Workneh invites you to practice yoga in a cozy and safe environment. This is a BIPOC only space and open for all levels. You need to bring your own mat. In addition, a sweater or blanket might come in handy for the final relaxation. Classes are 75 [...]

We sing our songs for peace - concert for solidarity

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Academics for Peace invites to support their “Boundless Academic Solidarity” campaign which aims to support young scientists in Turkey who have been unjustly punished by the Turkish state and lost their livelihood after they died on January 11th In 2016, the peace petition entitled "We will not be part of this crime!" had signed. [...]

Exhibition opening + film | Wake up calls for my ancestors

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

20:00 p.m. Ethnographic Gaze Film Screening : "India's Stone Wonders" (1934) With Tanya Talwar and Johanna Függer-Vagts (Institute for Art and Visual History) 20:30 p.m. - 22:00 p.m. Artist Walk and Exhibition Opening With Rajyashri Goody, Kirtika Kain, Sajan Mani and Upendranath TR Colonial archives in various museums and institutions across Europe generate diverse discourses [...]


Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

The exhibition can be viewed from 29.10. until 15.11. can be visited daily from 12:19 p.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. ADMISSION FREE! Information about the opening of the exhibition here. ––– ABOUT THE EXHIBITION Colonial archives in various museums and institutions across Europe generate diverse discourses related to history, memory, archiving, art and the authenticity of the colonized nations. "Wake up calls [...]

Poetry Meets Hip Hop w/ SAMMUS

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

The Poetry Meets Series is back: Poetry Meets Hip Hop with Headliner MC and producer extraodinaire SAMMUS, Special Guest Mushiva, legendary Slam-poet Sir Black from Ghana and Spoken Word Artists Nana d'Artist and Avrina Prabala-Joslin. Film Screening: by Mark Mushiva (Namibia) Doors: 19:00 Start: 20:00 Tickets available here. Headlining Act: Sammus SAMMUS (Enongo Lumumba-Kasongo) is [...]

Vernissage | Moudjahidate* – women*, resistance, queer alliance

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

18:00 | Vernissage with Nadja Makhlouf, Maya Inès Touam and Sarah El Hamed 19:30 p.m. | Artist talk followed by Q&A Afterwards from November 02.11.2022nd, 30.11.2022 to November 12th, 00 open daily from 19:00 p.m. the commitment of [...]

Exhibition | Moudjahidate* – women*, resistance, queer alliance

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

*** The exhibition has been extended until December 7th. *** Vernissage on 01.11.2022 Afterwards from 02.11.2022 - 30.11.2022 open daily from 12:00 p.m , queer alliance" the commitment of female fighters* in the fight for freedom and autonomy for [...]

Recurring appointments

Exhibition Tours | Moudjahidate* – women*, resistance, queer alliance

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

During a tour of the exhibition on November 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th at 18:00 p.m. you have the opportunity to get to know the artists of the exhibition "Moudjahidate* - women*, resistance, queer alliance" personally and get an impression of their work and get the project. --> FREE ENTRY ––– ABOUT THE EXHIBITION In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of Algeria's independence [...]

Waacking Dance Workshop with Habibitch | Maghreb* alike

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

*** Update 2.11.: Registration only possible until 18:30 p.m. After that box office! *** By focusing on the specific training techniques for this dance, we can discover the cultural and political history of Waacking. In doing so, Habibitch directs our attention to the communities, affects, and beliefs that make up this practice. The Waacking Dance Workshops arise from [...]

Demystifying woman*hood – realities in (post)colonized North Africa (BIPOC only) | Maghreb* alike

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

*** Update 3.11.: Registration only possible until 17:30 p.m. Then admission at the box office! *** Featuring Kenza Mala Badi, Louna Sbou, Badiaa Bouhrizi, Nadja Makhlouf, Sarah El Hamed and Maya Inès Touam Sitting on a rug, drinking tea together, six+ individuals come together to share their realities, experiences and critical reflections on their Relationship [...]

concert | Badiâa Bouhrizi | Maghreb* alike

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

This project is almost a trance, feminine, the fact that I am behind every sound that is played makes this project an intimate universe where being a woman is felt and heard without venturing into feminist discourses. - Badiâa Bouhrizi Emerging from the Tunisian music underground, Badiâa Bouhrizi is a powerful-voiced singer and songwriter who [...]

concert | Sonic Interventions feat. Liam Iman | Maghreb* alike

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Liaam Iman invites you on a journey through poetic ancestral landscapes, diverse voice registers and polyrhythmic drumming, inspired by North African, Celtic and Balkan music, calling on silent voices and stories for a moment of remembrance, togetherness and healing. Liaam is a multifaceted singer, composer, percussionist and Reiki practitioner of Algerian and Kabyle descent. After graduation [...]

Performance | Kenza Mala Badi “War on Bodies” | Maghreb* alike

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

"War on bodies" sheds light on the chronological process of body control in relation to colonialism, which attempts to jump through different times experienced by Moroccan people and their bodies. The performance tries to show how French colonialism has changed, how we deal with our bodies, our genders and sexualities, and [...]

Closing Party feat. Leila Moon & Aïda Salander | Maghreb*alike

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

DJ Leila Moon is a songwriter, producer and DJ specializing in raï, r'n'b, electronic, mahraganat, bass music, drum and bass, breakbeat. Her eclectic musical style is a culmination of her collective influences and cross-cultural experiences. Born to an Algerian mother and a Moroccan father, she grew up with anime and Bollywood, listening to Raï music, Arabic pop, French chansons, [...]

Community Brunch | It's a wrap! | Maghreb* alike

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

It's a wrap! In the truest sense of the word ... With a community brunch at the end of the six-day discourse program, we invite you and the participating artists from Moudjahidate* to meet and meet in person, to have conversations and to make friends. --- Start: 10:00 End: 15:00 Admission free, prices à la carte --- CONTEXT This [...]

rongin shagor/রঙিন সাগর | Critical Collective Practices | a lecture presentation anchored by Aroh Akunth

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

In societies that weaponize the alienation of individuals for economic gains, the idea of ​​collectives should offer respite, and alternatives. Though historically these queer organizations have defined affinity to particular kinds of peoples and politics, delegitimization of pro-people ideologies en mass, including workers' rights has led to the role of collectives gaining renewed importance in [...]

Llewellyn Mnguni | Jazz Dance Workshop

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

A feisty combination of contemporary dance and modern dance movements. This dance workshop is curated specifically for beginner dancers who are interested as well as the LGBTQIA+ community and POC people in Berlin. The focus is on body positivity, fitness and freedom of movement. Another jazz dance workshop will be offered on the 19th of [...]

rongin shagor/রঙিন সাগর | concert reading | “The Whisper of Others”

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

"The Whisper of Others" is a lyrical examination of hegemonic historiography and the injustices deeply rooted in it. The poems combine world events with individual stories of flight and exploitation and invite the reader to take on new perspectives. Her poems are longing, sad and uplifting at the same time. They are accompanied musically by Hakan Tugrul on the [...]

Website launch | rongin shagor/রঙিন সাগর – An artistic dialogue starting with a poem by May Ayim

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

*** rongin shagor is now online and available via *** With answers from Kondo Heller, Akinbode Akinbiyi, Amira Zarari, Ozan Zakariya Keskinkılıç, Arijit Bhattacharyya, Bruna Barros and Jess Oliveira, Alice Yuan Zhang, Sara Ehsan , Carla Abiles, Leman Sevda Darıcıoğlu, Jumoke Adeyanju and you … rongin shagor/রঙিন সাগর , translated from Bengali as much [...]

May Ayim Vortex | pres. by Poetry Meets and rongin shagor

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

The Poetry Meets Series is an international, multilingual community event showcasing spoken word, visual art and film, musicians and poetry talent from Berlin and beyond. The line-up always promises a remarkable conglomeration of soulful, multilingual wordsmiths, musicians and visual stories, accompanied by the infamous open mic vortex. Poetry Meets and rongin shagor present [...]

Llewellyn Mnguni | Jazz Dance Workshop

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

A feisty combination of contemporary dance and modern dance movements. This dance workshop is curated specifically for beginner dancers who are interested as well as the LGBTQIA+ community and POC people in Berlin. The focus is on body positivity, fitness and freedom of movement. To register send an E-mail address to: Tickets: 15 € [...]

Concerts | Adonis

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Adonis perform their anticipated album 'Hadis El Layl' at Oyoun! Famed Lebanese pop/rock band Adonis first came into sight with its debut single “Stouh Adonis” (2012), a dance tune relaying tales of night-time adventures on the rooftops of the group's small suburban town. Renowned for its signature Arabic lyrics and blistering live performances, Adonis captured [...]

Poetry meets ALTE w/ Otis Mensah & Somadina

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

The Poetry Meets Series is presenting their first intimate Poetry Meets ALTE edition with main acts Otis Mensah and Somadina as well as an array of magnificent poets, celebrating alternative music, the metaphysical and the poetics of the inbetween. Doors: 19:00 p.m. Start: 20:00 p.m. Tickets: via Eventbrite Program Main acts: Otis Mensah is a [...]

Film + Workshop | 30 years after the racist murder attack in Mölln: where do we stand today?

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

This November marks the 30th anniversary of the racist assassination attempt in Mölln. In memory of the victims and on the important issue of dealing with racist attacks in the Federal Republic then and now, the Turkish Association in Berlin-Brandenburg (TBB) eV will hold a commemoration event including a workshop with Ibrahim Arslan, who was affected. [...]

ADAN Inspires Berlin – your future in your hands!

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

ADAN Inspires is an event of the Afro German Academics Network eV, where inspiring people present their different professions and share their hurdles and successes on their professional path with you. There are also helpful application tips and we are available to answer any questions you may have about the various courses and job descriptions. Those interested from the age of 14 [...]

Theater performance | NOMAD

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

"One evening when I was a little girl, I was sitting on the beach with my father. The sea was as dark as the sky. Suddenly a drop of light appeared on the horizon. It didn't come from boats and didn't move. Right across from us was a different country, like a fairytale land with shining lights in the middle [...]

MARTA theater performance

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

On the occasion of the “International Day against Violence Against Women*” on November 25th, RAICES will perform an excerpt from the performative play MARTA, which accuses all forms of sexualized discrimination and violence. MARTA, a play about the body and the biography, tells the story of two women* who simultaneously experience gender-specific violence in their everyday life, who end up in a woman*murder [...]

Reading and Conversation | The homes I have - Europe Continue writing

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Reading and discussion with Ali Abdollahi, Zia Qasemi, Mostafa Hazara and Batool Haidari | Moderator: Tigran Petrosyan, Translation: Jutta Himmelreich Europe is too valuable to be left to the Europeans. Following this quote from the Brazilian author Rafael Cardoso, "Next Writing", the portal for literature from war and crisis zones, invited authors to write letters, [...]

€ 5,00 - € 8,00

Kollinz Release Concert and Afterparty

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Special Guests: Great 9, Gidberry, Kushkid, Papa-G Babyface and Zeyo Mann Afterparty w/ DJ Makossiri + DJ PVRE Kollinz is an Afro-Ukrainian rapper, songwriter and producer currently based in Berlin after leaving Kyiv due to the war fled. His musical style is a unique blend of Afro-Hip-Hop and Afro-Pop. His new single with the [...]

IDEAL | Tiyatro Oyunu

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

(German text below) Tiyatro Oyunu | 19:30 - 20:40 Tartışma | 21:00 - 22:00 Yıllar boyu süren araştırmaların sonucu, teknolojinin ve hatta antropolojinin geldiği son nokta, “İdealler Makinası”, ayağınıza geldi! Sizlere angeboteta neler sunuyor, neler: Nur topu gibi ürünler, All inclusive yazlık seyahatler, Her damak tadına uygun migrantlar, Görli'de huzur dolu piknikler, Memleketten son haberler, [...]


IDEAL | Tiyatro Oyunu

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

(German text below) Tiyatro Oyunu | 14:00 - 15:10 Tartışma | 15:30 - 16:30 Yıllar boyu süren araştırmaların sonucu, teknolojinin ve hatta antropolojinin geldiği son nokta, “İdealler Makinası”, ayağınıza geldi! Sizlere angeboteta neler sunuyor, neler: Nur topu gibi ürünler, All inclusive yazlık seyahatler, Her damak tadına uygun migrantlar, Görli'de huzur dolu piknikler, Memleketten son haberler, [...]


Winter break: Thank you and see you in 2023!

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

The calendar year is coming to an end, our program is airing for a moment and we are taking the opportunity to send out a huge thank you to everyone who was there, who followed our work, realized projects with us, new events and formats, believed in ideas and then after long evenings [...]

Yoga for BIPoC | Diaspora Wellness Club

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Every Wednesday at 6:15pm at Oyoun Yoga teacher Helen Workneh invites you to practice yoga in a cozy and safe environment. This is a BIPOC only space and open for all levels. You need to bring your own mat. In addition, a sweater or blanket might come in handy for the final relaxation. Classes are 75 [...]

Exhibition | Different perspective - show your face

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Afrikakzent Media eV cordially invites you to the exhibition opening of "Other Perspectives - Show Your Face"! This project is about introducing people with African connections based on their activities. This happens in video portraits lasting a maximum of 10 minutes, in which the protagonists are accompanied with the camera through their everyday work and, in addition to gaining insights into their [...]

Tiyatro Oyunu | IDEAL

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

(German text below) Tiyatro Oyunu | 20:00 - 21:15 Tartışma | 21:30 - 22:30 Yıllar boyu süren araştırmaların sonucu, teknolojinin ve hatta antropolojinin geldiği son nokta, “İdealler Makinası”, ayağınıza geldi! Sizlere angeboteta neler sunuyor, neler: Nur topu gibi ürünler, All inclusive yazlık seyahatler, Her damak tadına uygun migrantlar, Görli'de huzur dolu piknikler, Memleketten son haberler, [...]


Tiyatro Oyunu | IDEAL

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

(German text below) Tiyatro Oyunu | 20:00 - 21:15 Tartışma | 21:30 - 22:30 Yıllar boyu süren araştırmaların sonucu, teknolojinin ve hatta antropolojinin geldiği son nokta, “İdealler Makinası”, ayağınıza geldi! Sizlere angeboteta neler sunuyor, neler: Nur topu gibi ürünler, All inclusive yazlık seyahatler, Her damak tadına uygun migrantlar, Görli'de huzur dolu piknikler, Memleketten son haberler, [...]


The DIY Kiki Ball (Fundraiser for Magia 007)

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

It's time to get crafty. For this Kiki, at least one significant part of your outfit has to be handmade by yourself. The craftier the better! Spectators feel free to wear whatever you want. This is a fundraiser event to support Magia 007. Magia needs to urgently cover costs for their FFS, a necessary milestone [...]

Poetry Meets JAZZ & Vortex Special

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

The Poetry Meets Series is starting off the year with a plethora of good news. "Poetry Meets Jazz" is back for its 3rd iteration with exceptional soul and jazz artist Yazmin Lacey as our main act. After a long hiatus Egyptian-Australian musician Mariam Sawires will be back as a special guest accompanied by harpist Zainab [...]

Life Drawing Club

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

The Art Expression Life Drawing Club is back in Berlin! Every month Art-Expression Studios will host at least one Life-Drawing session in the last week of every month at Oyoun. Come and join us for three hours of Life-Drawing with live models posing. The event will take place at the club room in Oyoun. Entry fee is [...]

QAD (Queer Analog Darkroom) Get together

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

The Queer Analog Darkroom (QAD) is finally opening the doors to the community for its first get together here at Oyoun! Since accessing and practicing analog photography has its limits for discriminated and marginalized groups, the QAD puts emphasis on engaging with the broader community of practice. Come and join the introduction into the project [...]

Film Festival Wake up Europe | Screening: Grbavica, Land of My Dreams

Oyoun Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32, Berlin

Screening, followed by panel discussion on topic of Wartime sexual violence Language: OMU Bosnian with English Subtitles ABOUT the movie Grbavica – The Land of my Dreams GRBAVICA is a story about contemporary Sarajevo…Single mother Esma wants to grant her twelve-year-old daughter Sara's wish to participate in a school trip. A certificate proving her father [...]