Threads of Memories

Here You will find information about the accessibility of Oyoun's premises (arrival/departure, parking, access to the building, elevator, barrier-free toilet, early boarding, seats, retreat areas)
HereYou can find information about the accessibility of the each GADAG event
HereYou can find program parts and offers in DGS (German sign language)
You can find information at the bottom of this website in DGS in video format.
If you have any questions or suggestions, you can reach us here: hallo(at)oyoun.deor +49 152 58986465
Plain Language:
This project is called "Gadag 가닥”.
“Gadag 가닥” is a Korean word.
You can say Ga-Dag.
The word means a long thread.
This project includes many events.
The events will take place at the cultural center "Oyoun" in Berlin-Neukölln from 24 March to 30 April 2024.
In this project, we discuss wars.
We talk about what women, children, mothers, injured people, refugees, disabled people, sex workers, and others have experienced.
These people go through a lot in a war.
But people often forget their stories.
We gather their stories together.
We talk about the wars in Korea, Vietnam, and Japan and how the West influenced them.
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가닥 GADAG – Threads of Memories
죽어서 모두 환하게 알게 된 사람의 뇌처럼 밝은 편지가 오리라
네 탄생 전의 날들처럼 어제도 없고 내일도 없는 넓고 넓은 편지가 오리라
Like the brain that sees all too clearly after death, a bright letter will arrive
Like the days before you were born, a widely wide letter without yesterday or tomorrow will arrive [**]
How do we remember wars? Whose narratives do we elevate? Whose bodies get to be monumentalized? Whose suffering is met with silence? Who rises against the system to shed light on their stories?
The Korean word 가닥 [ga-dag] signifies a long thread branching off from a larger yarn. In the project 가닥 Gadag, we comb through threads of war memories - of women, of queer and marginalized bodies, and interweave them into a tapestry of collective memory. With artists, practitioners and cultural workers, we amplify individual experiences of survival in the (post)colonial history of Korea, Vietnam, Japan and its diaspora, highlighting the trajectory of colonial-patriarchal violence of the West.
As we trace the strands of recollections, we witness the colonial violence reproducing itself among the oppressed. A worldview framed by the nation-state borders and a simplified binary of good-bad imposed on those nations obscure too many truths that we are obliged to remember. In our collective act of remembrance, while unlearning oppressive narratives of wars and remaining committed to personal testimonies, we discover the power to resist and to dream of an alliance across borders.
As we brush through the threads of memories, we encounter children, mothers, the injured, refugees, disabled people, sex workers, ghosts and our friends, situated in multiple layers of violence and oppression. We dwell by the water, wind, trees, stars and soil where they once endured their struggles. We are children and mothers, witnessing and remembering the forgotten ones, and residing in the multitude of bodies that tell us their stories.
가닥 Gadag is a project by Oyoun, funded by the Lotto Stiftung Berlin, with its public program on 24 March - 30 April, 2024. It has three chapters unfolding at the same time: Strands (video and multimedia exhibition), Tangle (laboratory) and Knots (accompanying events and program).
Text: Dami Choi
[**] 김혜순 Kim Hyesoon, 백야 Midnight Sun — 닷새 Day Five, 죽음의 자서전 Autobiography of Death, translated by Don Mee Choi, New York: New Directions, 2018.
Information in DGS in video format:
Check out this post on Instagram
Check out this post on Instagram
Check out this post on Instagram
Check out this post on Instagram
24.03.-30.04. GADAG exhibition (Vernissage on March 24.03th)
27.03/XNUMX Screening: The Woman, the Orphan, and the Tiger
28.03/XNUMX Miss Read Talks: Short film screenings
04.04. Screening: 기억의 전쟁 Untold (A War of Memories)
10.04. Screening: Surname Viet Given Name Nam
12.-30.04. Exhibition “Our Bodies, Our Fight, Our History” with Korea Association (Vernissage on March 12.04th)
April 14.04th Visual Storytelling Workshop with Deaf People with Hyemi Jo
April 17.04th Share Your Empathy: A creative workshop with Korea Association
April 17.04th Screening: I am 93. My name is Kim Bok-Dong.
April 21.04st Bedtime Stories: Performance evening from GADAG Lab with Min Yoon
April 26.04th program in Seoul
April 29.04th Share Your Empathy: A creative workshop with Korea Verband
Participants, Contributors / Teilnehmende, Mitwirkende
~ Strands (video and multimedia exhibition) / Fäden (Video- und Multimedia-Ausstellung) ~
Nguyễn Thị Thanh Mai, Sara Sejin Chang (Sara van der Heide), Quyên Nguyen-Le, Yukiko Nagakura
~ Tangle (laboratory) / Tangle (laboratory) ~
J*Asians: Anika Baluran Schäfer, Thủy-Tiên Nguyễn, Quang Nguyễn-Xuân and Việt Đức Phạm
~ Knots (accompanying events and program) ~
Screenings: Bora Lee-Kil, Jane Jin Kaisen, Trịnh Thị Minh Hà
Workshop: Hyemi Jo, Korea Verband
Performance: Min Yoon tr. “Citizen Truth”
Accompanying exhibitions / Begleitende Ausstellungen: Spicy Ginkgo Collective, Korea Verband
Program in Seoul: SHARE
Podcast: Linda Hamoui, Nataly Han, Thủy-Tiên Nguyễn
~ Project Team ~
Oyoun Team incl.
Dami Choi (artistic direction / künstlerische Leitung)
Thương Đặng (project and curatorial assistant / Projekt- und kuratorische Assistenz)
Everston Freudenreich, Mithra (event technician / Eventtechnik)
Sophia Schmidt, Louna Sbou (fundraising and administration / Fundraising und Verwaltung)
Lara Chahal (production / Produktion)
Installation / Aufbau: Yuki Kojima, Everston Freudenreich
Accessibility / Barrierefreiheit: Agnieszka Habraschka, Gina Jeske, Hyemi Jo
The cover image was created using Adobe Firefly.
Funded by the Lotto Foundation Berlin