Design concept: © Ronak Jundi

Oyoun's tiny house is going on tour and we’re looking for BIPoC artists and/or groups to join our project “Tiny OyoUnity”

Between the end of August and mid October our tiny house is wandering through different neighborhoods of Berlin. For one week each, we'll be parking at one of our cooperation partners (ZK/U, ufa-Fabrik, Korea Verband, Gemeinschaftshaus Gropiusstadt) and are looking for five BIPoC artists and/or groups (one for each stop) to artistically activate our tiny house and the surrounding urban space. Your project will be the heart of the Tiny OyoUnity Pop-Up Event at one of our collaboration partners.

Some facts:  

  • Paid Opportunity (Budget: 1000€ for production and implementation)
  • You can submit an existing or new project
  • Your proposal should incorporate the tiny house
  • It should engage with the urban space, the neighborhood and local residents
  • Your intervention can be multidisciplinary, visual, performative, sonic… (we are open)
  • This opportunity is for BIPoC only



23 July 2023 (Application link at the bottom of the page)



The Tiny OyoUnity project is part of the DRAUSSENSTADT, funded by Berlin project fund Urbane Praxis and the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion.



Sunday, 3.9 September @ufaFabrik

As part of the ufaFabrik Boulevard 23 – street art and environmental festival

The tiny house will be stationed in the heart of the ufaFabrik in front of the Nachbarschaftszentrum. At this location there is additionally the opportunity to use a large interior room which can be accessed through open windows.

Saturday, 9.9 September or Sunday, 10.9 September @ Oyoun?


The Tiny House will most likely be stationed in the parking lot in front of Oyoun in Neukölln on that weekend.

Thursday, 21.9 September @ ZK/U

As part of the OPENHAUS


The tiny house will be stationed on the rear side of the ZK/U overlooking the Westhafen. There is access to a large green space and an adjacent park.

Saturday, 30.9 September @ Korea Verband / Statue of Peace


The Friedensstatue (Statue of Peace) commemorates and amplifies the struggles of the women* who were sexually enslaved by the Japanese military during the Asian-Pacific War (“Comfort Women”). On Chuseok (추석) this year, the Korea Verband will celebrate the 3-year anniversary of the Friedensstatue in Berlin-Moabit with the Fest der Sterne* (Festival of Stars), while addressing the political pressure from the Japanese government to remove the statue. We hope to receive proposals for artistic exploration on the struggles of the Friedensstatue and the “Trostfrauen”!


The tiny house will be stationed 5 minutes (walking distance) from Korea Verband near U-Bahnhof Birkenstraße in front of the Friedensstatue. There is an adjacent park.

Saturday 14.10 October @ Gemeinschaftshaus Gropiusstadt


The tiny house will be stationed in the spacious courtyard.