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panel | Berlin Cultural Majlis

February 14, 2023 19:00 - 20:30

كم و يسعدن يسعدن حضور مج بر برocket الثق ا ا الثلثench ا فبر ق ا ا ا ا ا ا الثق في ا الثق في بر بر بر بر بر بر بر بر بر بر بر.

ضيفتنا هي الدكتورة فايولا شفيق في نقاش عن السينما العربية مع سلطان سعود القاسمي والحضور.

Another example is:

6:45-7 مساءً : وصول الضيوف

7-8:15 مساءً: محاضرة المجلس (الضيفة وسلطان سعود القاسمي)

8:15-8:30 مساءً: ختام المجلس

يرجى الرد على دعوة الحضور باستخدام هذا الرابط . يرجى الانتباه أن عدد الضيوف محدود وسيتم منح التذاكر على أساس أجلت سجلت سجلت س.

نتطلع إلى استضافتكم/ن في سادس مجلس ثقافي في برلين!

سلطان وهاني

تابعوا المجلس على انستغرام


Dear Berlin Cultural Majlis Friends and Supporters,

You are warmly invited to the sixth Berlin Cultural Majlis on Tuesday, February 14th at 7PM at Oyoun Kulturzentrum (Big Seminar Room) in Berlin.

"The Berlin Cultural Majlis" is hosted by Sultan Al Qassemi and Hani Zaitoun. It is a series of talks that provides a platform for Berlin-based artists from the MENA region to share their work and thoughts with the Berlin audience.

The guests will be dr Viola Shafik who'll discuss Arab Cinema with Sultan Sooud Al-Qassemi as well as the audience.

The Majlis schedule is as follows:

6:45-7 PM: Guests' Arrival 

7-8:15 PM: The Majlis Talk (Viola & Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi)

8:15-8:30 PM: The Majlis concludes 

Registration: Please RSVP using this Google forms. Please note that the number of guests is limited and tickets will be granted on a first-come-first-served basis.

Language: This event will be held in Arabic and no translation will be provided 


Oyoun is constantly working on ensuring that all events offered in the building are as barrier-free as possible. To receive individual information on accessibility, please send us an email to access(at)oyoun.de. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

In Oyoun there is no place for sexism, queerism, transphobia, any form of racism or discrimination such as anti-black, anti-Muslim racism or anti-Semitism. The same applies to any kind of violent, aggressive or abusive behavior. Oyoun offers a safe space for everyone, an open forum for dialogue and a place where we support and stand up for one another. If someone or something is bothering you during an event, please contact a member of our staff who is there to help! If you have an experience to share with us after an event, please email us or send us an anonymous message via our site.


February 14, 2023
19:00 - 20:30
Event Categories:
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Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32
Berlin, 12049 Germany
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