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Exhibition opening | Experience Oyounity
November 16, 2023 18:00 AM - 21:00

An exhibition showcasing this years’ impressions of Oyoun’s Tiny House on tour
After travelling through five different locations and offering over 34 different events & workshops over the course of five weeks, Oyoun’s Tiny House became a nomadic meeting point for people, to create together and to become acquainted with lesser known parts of Berlin.
‘Experience Oyounity’ is an invitation to the public to get an impression of this exciting voyage through photographs, videos, artistic objects and even hands-on opportunities to make your own creations and feel the unity within collaboration. From photography, to sound & speech, to sharing information & empowering each other, the collaborative aspect of the Tiny House was an underlying conduit that intertwined all workshops & locations with each other.
We are more than happy to invite you to the opening of this group exhibition for which we have planned to give you an immersive experience of the Tiny House Tour.
When you enter the Oyoun, you immediately have the opportunity to participate in this exhibition with Maurice Leoni-Osion and Linda Hamoui by getting an insight into their workshops in the two telephone booths that are displayed on either side of the entrance to the building. If you follow the arrows to the first floor foyer, you will be greeted by the many photographic aspects of Tiny Oyounity's journey, which is a collection of works from the numerous participants in the workshops offered by the Queer Analog Darkroom collective. Sammy Scott, Stella Rae Binion & Maurice Leoni-Osion collaborate to offer you a tranquil retreat where you can lose yourself in the poetry of image, sound and voice. Experience Oyounity is all about sharing a space with each other. That's why on the opening evening there will be a place where you can mingle, dance, enjoy a drink and listen directly to the impressions of the workshop moderators. On the way home, save yourself some extra time to enter the tiny house in the Oyoun parking lot. It provides a stage for the work and impressions of Peach Wright, the photographer who documented the tiny house's journey this year.
Exhibition opening:
16.11.23/18/00, 21:00 p.m. - XNUMX:XNUMX p.m
Reception with drinks, music and a short speech from all workshop participants at 20:00 p.m.
Exhibition opening times:
November 18.11.2023, 14 (Saturday): 00:18 p.m. - 00:XNUMX p.m
November 22.11.2023nd, 16 (Wednesday): 00:20 p.m. - 00:XNUMX p.m
November 25.11.2023, 14 (Saturday): 00:18 p.m. - 00:XNUMX p.m
November 29.11.2023nd, 16 (Wednesday): 00:20 p.m. - 00:XNUMX p.m
Ticket: Free entry
Language: English
Photo: © Nikita do Vale
About the participants
Linda Hamouis “How to Podcast? Podcasting in an anti-racist/activist context" workshops allowed people to understand and instrumentalise podcasts and their possibilities of circulating information.
Maurice Leoni-Osions“The Home ReMixtape Artchives” workshops were a homage to the concept of home & community by incorporating various creative methods to collaboratively create mixtapes that hit the sweet spot of familiarity and a sense of belonging.
Sammy Scott & Stella Rae Bins“The Impossible Project” focused on the distinctions between black representation and Black visuality. Refusing a white normative, prescriptive and fetishizing gaze, they celebrated their assertion of agency and imagination as Black image makers.
Ley Mauthofer & Ana Uebachs“Let’s Get Chemical” workshop allowed for participants to collectively climb down the rabbit hole of analog photographic practices and become acquainted with developing their own black & white film roll.
Sophie Klockenbusch and Jasper J. Maurer have offered two workshops – “Seeing Yourself: Queer Self-Portraits” and “Seeing others: Queer Portraits” – that celebrate queer identities and highlight the importance of their representation in photography with an introduction to portraits and self-portraits.
Laura Jaburek Otegui shared her sense of creativity & skill of pinhole photography in her workshop “Urban Journey: Exploring Neighborhoods Through Pinhole Photography” by showing her participants how to collaboratively build a matchbox camera, displaying how the camera in itself is an artistic object utilizing light.
This exhibition was curated collectively by the facilitators & members of Queer Analog Darkroom, a self-organized, inclusive skills-sharing collective for analogue photography in Berlin. The photo documentation during the tour and on the opening evening is provided by Peach Wright.
Oyoun is constantly working to make all events offered at the venue as accessible as possible. To receive individual information on accessibility, please send us an e-mail to access(at)oyoun.de. We will get back to you as soon as possible. More information on this topic can be found here: access(at)oyoun.de. We will get back to you as soon as possible. There is more information on the topic .
At Oyoun there is no place for sexism, queerphobia, transphobia, any form of racism or discrimination such as anti-Black, anti-Muslim racism or antisemitism. The same applies to any kind of violent, aggressive or assaultive behaviour. Oyoun provides an open forum for dialogue and a place where we support and stand up for each other. If someone or something bothers you during an event, please contact a member of our staff who is there to help you! If you would like to share an experience with us after an event, please Mail or send us an anonymous message via our website.