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December 4, 2021 18:00 - 21:00

Escapism Main Image Landscape

(English below)

Affective Archives of Resistance - Enter now!

With ESCAPISM, Oyoun opens a platform for an artistic and sociocritical experiment, connecting virtual and physical spaces. In an interactive exhibition at Oyoun Berlin from December 3 to 24, viewers can experience 4 hybrid game installations created by ESCAPISM artists: "tarare" by téa boyarchuk, "Thicker Than Blood Digital" by Izdihar Afyouni, "Guacuco" by Sol Martínez-Solé and "Embryonic Babies of Hot Winters" by Avita Maheen. 

At the launch program you can expect the artist talk and the audio, visual, and movement program "Living Archive" by Shannon Sea Novaa (@ sea.novaa) and Jumọke. The artist talk is moderated by Lesley Whitaker


* Program summary * before and after artist talk

Our stories are sacred and should be documented and preserved so we can add
to the cultural fabric of today. Our program, “Living Archive” seeks to do
just that by inviting the community to create space for their unique
stories and ideas so that they can archive, curate and transmit them
knowledge. Shannon Sea Novaa and Jumọke will present audio, visual, and
movement performances that incorporate sounds and movements from the
audience to celebrate our existence in history.

* Opening Set *
Shannon Sea Novaa will present an audio and visual performance. The audio
performance will help to bring the community together and will use sounds,
stories, and thoughts, from participating audience members, and mates
that into her live-set performance. They will also present generative art
that they coded which incorporates the theme (s) of Escapism, to play during
the audio performance. 

* Closing Set *
Shannon Sea Novaa and Jumọke will perform together. At the beginning of
the set, Sea Novaa and Jumọke will provide a sound performance that uplifts
the audience and takes them on a journey. Jumọke will then add some spoken
word and mostly movement while Sea Novaa continues to perform sound.
Jumọke's movement will engage the audience and incorporate some of theirs
movements into Jumọke's performance.

Book your tickets HERE now.

→ Vernissage: December 03.12.2021rd, XNUMX; find more information here.

→ Exhibition: December 04th - 24.12.2021th, XNUMX; find more information here.

→ the exhibition is free of charge.

→ further information about the project and the artists can be found here.


This project is funded by the Socioculture Fund from the program of the BKM "NEW START CULTURE".

Brand design by Rita Eperjesi (IG:@ritaeperjesi website).



◥ Please note: To take part in events at Oyoun or visit our exhibitions, you need to have a proof of vaccination / recovery. FFP2 masks are mandatory at Oyoun until further notice. Further information about our hygiene concept can be found here.

◥ At Oyoun, there is no place for sexism, queerphobia, transphobia, any form of racism or discrimination such as anti-Black, anti-Muslim or anti-Jewish racism, and any sort of violent or aggressive behavior. Oyoun offers a safer space for all, an open forum for dialogue and a place where we support and stand up for each other. If someone / something bothers you during an event, please approach a member of our staff who are there to help! If you want to share an experience with us after an event, please write us an email> awareness@oyoun.de or send us an anonymous message via our website.



Affective Archives of Resistance - Enter now!

With ESCAPISM, a platform was created in Oyoun for an artistic and socially critical experiment that connects virtual and physical spaces. In an interactive exhibition from December 3rd to 24th, visitors to the Oyoun can experience four hybrid game installations created by the ESCAPISM artists: "tarare" by téa boyarchuk, "Thicker Than Blood Digital" by Izdihar Afyouni , "Guacuco" by Sol Martínez-Solé and "Embryonic Babies of Hot Winters" by Avita Maheen.

The kick-off program includes talks with the artists and a musical performance.

There will be a great audio, image and movement program "Living Archive" by Shannon Sea Novaa (@ sea.novaa) and Jumọke, and the entire evening will be streamed live. The evening will be moderated by Lesley Whitaker.

* Program * before and after the artist talk
Our stories are sacred and should be documented and preserved so that we can contribute to today's culture.
Our Living Archive program aims to do just that by inviting the community to create space for their unique stories and ideas so that they can archive, curate and share their knowledge.
Shannon Sea Novaa and Jumọke present audio, visual and
and movement performances that incorporate the sounds and movements of the audience to celebrate our existence in the story.

* Opening Set *
Shannon Sea Novaa will present an acoustic and visual performance. 
The audio performance will help bring the community together and it will incorporate the sounds, stories and thoughts of the participating audience into their live performance.
They will also showcase generative art that they have coded and that takes up the theme of "escapism".

* Final set *
Shannon Sea Novaa and Jumọke will perform together. At the beginning of
of the set, Sea Novaa and Jumọke will offer a sound performance that
and takes the audience on a journey. Jumọke then becomes some spoken word
spoken words and especially movement while Sea Novaa continues to perform sounds.
Jumọke's movement will involve the audience and some of his 
Allow movements to flow into Jumọke's performance.

Book your ticket now Click HERE.

→ Vernissage: December 03.12.2021rd, XNUMX; you can find more information .

→ Exhibition: December 04th - 24.12.2021th, XNUMX; you can find more information .

→ the exhibition is free of charge.

→ You can also find more information about the project and the artists .


This project is funded by the Socioculture Fund from the BKM program "NEW START CULTURE".

Graphic design by Rita Eperjesi (IG:@ritaeperjesi website).



◥ Please note: The prerequisite for entry to events / exhibitions in Oyoun is a current vaccination / recovery certificate. In Oyoun there is a mask requirement until further notice. You can find more information about the hygiene concept .

◥ In the Oyoun there is no place for sexism, queer hostility, trans hostility, any form of racism or discrimination such as anti-black, anti-Muslim or anti-Jewish racism and any kind of violent or aggressive behavior. Oyoun offers a safe space for everyone, an open forum for dialogue and a place where we support and stand up for one another. If someone or something bothers you during an event, please contact a member of our staff who is there to help you! If you would like to tell us about an experience after an event, please write us an e-mail> awareness@oyoun.de or send us an anonymous message via our Website.



December 4, 2021
18:00 - 21:00
Event Category:
Event tags:
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Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32
Berlin, 12049 Germany