- This event has already taken place.
The Netz – Community Event 2022 – Strongly Connected(t)zt
June 29, 2022 09:00 - 18:00

The wait is finally over! The annual Das Nettz community event will take place on June 29th and 30th, 2022 - finally live and in color again! As always, many great guests, exciting topics, interactive formats and of course lots of NETTZworking await you. From AI to racism, resilience, research, democracy to disinformation - the program will be as diverse as the topic itself. The community event will be moderated this time by OUASSIMA LAABICH-MANSOUR and organizations such as HATEAID, the NEUE DEUTSCHE MEDIENMACHER*INNEN, JUGENDSCHUTZ.NET, BETTERPLACE.LAB, the CLAIM ALLIANZ and many more will be present.
As always, everyone is invited who is involved in combating hate online and in constructive discourse - whether from civil society, politics, business, the media or science. The more perspectives, the more connected!
You can register until June 22, 2022 IN THIS FORM. The program will Click HERE continuously updated.
What awaits you:
Day #1 | June 29, 2022
The first day will be organized as part of the newly founded COMPETENCE NETWORK AGAINST HATE ON THE NET and the claim "strongly connected(t)zt" - in the spirit of seeing you again and looking back at the past few years. After two very difficult years, marked by crises, major political events and many uncertainties, strength and courage should be drawn from the community to continue and continue to get involved socially and politically - strongly networked!
After a proper warm-up with all participants, MELINA BORČAK, HANNA ATTAR and JEFF KWASI KLEIN will discuss the topic "Activism in times of crisis - what makes us strong?" and ask: How have the pandemic and war influenced our work? What drives us - despite everything - to keep going? And how are all our struggles connected?
In an open space session in the afternoon, there will be plenty of time to take a closer look at individual topics and questions from the community in workshops. What topics are these? You decide! After the lunch break, all topics are pitched and locations are distributed in Barcamp style.
The workshops are followed by high-ranking visitors: in a moderated discussion, FEDERAL FAMILY MINISTER LISA PAUS talks about the topic of hate online in the context of the political agenda of the new federal government.
Finally, the content of the day's program is rounded off in a FISHBOWL with the question: Trump, pandemic, war - and then? The coming challenges for online democracy. In this interactive format, anti-democratic tendencies on the Internet are discussed with exciting experts from research and practice, such as MATTHIAS QUENT, and a look is taken at the trends and forecasts that are currently emerging.
The day ends with a cool drink at a cozy get-together in the evening sun. Maybe even with a little music?
Day #2 | June 30, 2022
After an activating warm-up, the second day of the community event is dedicated to the topic of science and practice in the field of hate on the internet.
The main focus is on the launch of the new FEDERAL WORKING COMMUNITY (BAG) AGAINST HATE ON THE NET. The work of the BAG is presented in lectures, open discussion rounds and workshops and both the research center and the civil society forum that arose from the project are introduced.
Data research, network analyses, trend reports and networking - in interactive formats and with experienced experts, this day will take a closer look at how closely science and activism are related and what strengths can be drawn from this for work against hate online.
In the afternoon we look back on the two days with an animating wrap-up and say goodbye - strengthened with many new contacts, ideas and knowledge - until the next time we meet again.
Sounds good? It will. REGISTER NOW and spread the word!