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Bedtime Stories: Performance evening by GADAG Lab with Min Yoon — Gadag

April 21, 2024 17:00 p.m. - 19:00

Alttext in German: A picture shows two scenes; In the upper part you see a group of people in a dark room looking into the camera, in the lower part you see a single person dancing on a stage. Alt text in English: An image displays two scenes; the upper part shows a group of people in a dark room looking towards the camera, and the lower part a single person dancing on a stage.

(c) left: Shirin Moaiyeri; right: Thu Nguyễn.

Bedtime Stories: Performance evening by GADAG Lab with Min Yoon

April 21, 2024, 5:00 - 7:00 PM @ Oyoun, Club (Souterrain)

- 5 PM (Doors 4:45 PM): "Post/Origins of a Woman" by Min Yoon (Guest Performance)
- 6 PM (Doors 5:45 PM): Theater performance by GADAG-Lab ( Guest listfor racialized and/or Jewish people available)

"Bedtime Stories" are inspired by the most intimate moment of storytelling - the moment in the most familiar language, with the fullest attention and love. On this performance evening, the GADAG Lab artists present their collectively created narrative piece. Min Yoon performs "Post/Origins of a Woman" in an improvisation.

“See you in sepia blue”: theater performance from the GADAG-Lab

In einer Welt, in der sich Wolken in sandigem Orange türmen und der gestiegene Meeresspiegel einstige Grenzen ins Landesinnere verschoben hat, begegnen sich Tayo und Kami unerwartet wieder. Beide hatten damals die Welt hinter sich gelassen, auf die sie sich einst verständigt hatten. Beide taten, was sie für richtig hielten und müssen sich nun doch gegenseitigen Vorwürfen stellen. Es knistert in der Luft, denn in der Welt, in der sie aufeinander treffen, regnet es nicht mehr. 
Eine futuristisch-dystopische Theater-Performance zu Verlust, Entfremdung und Erinnerung. "Wir sehen uns in sepiablau" wurde im Rahmen des 5-wöchigen GADAG Artist Lab entwickelt – geschrieben, inszeniert und performt von: Anika Baluran Schäfer, Thủy-Tiên Nguyễn, Quang Nguyễn-Xuân, Việt Đức Phạm, mit Sound Art von HIỀN ĐIÊN.
>> Guest list (for racialized and/or Jewish people): Click HERE.

"Post/Origins of a Woman" by Min Yoon (Guest Performance)

A satirical butoh dance piece of rebellion of the body … reminiscent of divisions, war, bodies, memories slipping through, holding on to a quiet power within attacks, waiting to start a new movement between two scores, trapped in an infinite loop, breaths in a chokehold, typhoons, desert, a hand longing, millions of lives, dissociating beyond // For Your Comfort ... ... ...
In the images of war that flood our consciousness, searching to reprocess and reroute in the present irreconcilable loops. In honor of, reclamation for 위안부 “comfort woman” the victims of sexual violence by the Japanese Imperial Army.
in a structured improvisation
dance by Min Yoon @dancetotheedge / dancetotheedge.com
music by DAN SU @Su_dance110 / https://www.dancesu.com

Please do a Corona self-test beforehand, thank you!

가닥 Gadag is a project by Oyoun, funded by the Lotto Stiftung Berlin, with its public program on 24 March - 30 April, 2024. It has three chapters unfolding at the same time: Strands (video and multimedia exhibition), Tangle (laboratory) and Knots (accompanying events and program).

- The club is located in the basement and can be reached via the stairs or elevator. 
- Chairs, benches, bean bags and seat cushions are available as seating options.
- There are retreats on the 2nd floor, next to the hall.
- The barrier-free toilet on the 1st floor can be reached from the hall via the elevator.
- You can find detailed information about the accessibility of the rooms (including directions, use of the elevator, barrier-free toilets, early boarding). here.
- Information about further DGS program shares/offers from GADAG you can find here.

If you have any questions or would like to share your individual accessibility needs, please send us an email hallo(at)oyoun.de. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

At Oyoun there is no place for sexism, queerphobia, transphobia, any form of racism or discrimination such as anti-Black, anti-Muslim racism or antisemitism. The same applies to any kind of violent, aggressive or assaultive behaviour. Oyoun provides an open forum for dialogue and a place where we support and stand up for each other. If someone or something bothers you during an event, please contact a member of our staff who is there to help you! If you would like to share an experience with us after an event, please  Mail us or send us an anonymous message through our Website.


April 21, 2024
17:00 - 19:00
Event Category:
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Lucy-Lameck-Strasse 32
Berlin, 12049 Germany
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