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a'21: Trouble Market _amberPlatform
March 24, 2021 13:00 pm - 15:00

►a'21: Trouble Market _amberPlatform
As part of the workshop, we focus on humanity's current troubles and make them marketable. Come on, start selling your troubles now!
Many problems facing humanity today are actually the problems that companies and states (or power centers) generate to protect their economic or political systems, beyond human activities. In the face of this power, many people have somehow acknowledged the problems and lost their belief that things could change, rather than focusing on the problems that they had to focus on, and even let go of those problems. TROUBLE MARKET is a speculative design fiction to draw attention to the troubles of the local society to which people belong; that tries to commodify troubles and sell them with the help of a website, exactly as the system fictionalises. Using the methods the system uses to get people's attention, it invites them to face the troubles they are trying to escape from.
► The event link will be shared a few days before the event. Click "going" on Facebook to stay up to date.
► Join the event through vimeo.
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►Oğuz Emre Bal,
►Eti Kastoryano
* This event is part of Oyoun's a'21 Festival - Post Digital Ignorance x Techno Utopia aiming to challenge the status quo while centering perspectives on non-human life, queer ecology, decolonising knowledge, forced displacement, and more. The project was financed by Berlin's Hauptstadtkulturfonds.
Produced by: Oyoun in collaboration with amberPlatform
Curatorial Team: Amirali Ghasemi, Ali Cem Doğan, Cenkhan Aksoy, Christoph Wachter, Ebru Yetişkin, Ekmel Ertan, Hamza Chamas, Mathias Jud, Milad Forouzandeh, Mohsen Hazrat, Nina Martin, Rajaa Shamam, Youssef El Idrissi Participants include: Eda Sütunç, Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley, Mary Maggic, Rachel Uwa , Renata Salecl, Seloua Luste Boulbina, Pelin Tan, Yara Mekawei, and many more.
Funded by: Capital Cultural Fund
► For media and press inquiries, please email hallo@oyoun.de