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a'21: The Intermingled_BAAB Collective
April 7, 2021 15:00 p.m. - April 11, 2021 16:00 p.m.

The name of the exhibition is pointing over a huge success of the sit-in space during the Sudan revolution that people come together which never happened in the history of (what's call Sudan) and which shows a victory against the plan of colonialism and the post colonialism operation that's mean to suppress the unity of the Sudan peoples by cruel wars and racism lead to un talk able slavery and very ugly class difference.
Here we joined our killer, our hearts hunted a paid bullet. Here we conquered our fear, shit and differences. Here a zgrudah (ululation) from a revolutionist mixed with the cheerful machine gun that killed a child, that freedom whispered in his eager ears a false hope. Here the bloods of martyrs intermingled with a saxophonist soldier whose soul escaped the shame. Here we met with little's, elders, bosses and poor's. Here we encountered with smiles and assassins. Here we waited for Atbara artillery *. Here the fear, joy, tiredness, devotion, love and freedom. Here they killed youths but they couldn't kill their dreams. Here we brought earth and heaven together in a portrait that even the ancient gods cannot imagine. * It is the most powerful & reputed unit in the Sudan army, the revolutionists waited its interference for long, but to no avail & eventually it turned into a joke.
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:: LEFT ::
► BAAB Collective
► Rayan Elhadi Elsayed Hima
► Nour Yahya Hamza Yahya
► Bakry Mohamed Saleh
► Elsadig Mohammed Ahmed
► Mohamed Salah Elmur
► Mustafa Elsiddeg Mustafa Gasemlbari:
► Marwan Osman
* This event is part of Oyoun's a'21 festival - Post Digital Ignorance x Techno Utopia aiming to challenge the status quo while centering perspectives on non-human life, queer ecology, decolonising knowledge, forced displacement, and more. The project was financed by Berlin's Hauptstadtkulturfonds.
Produced by: Oyoun in collaboration with amberPlatform
Curatorial Team: Amirali Ghasemi, Ali Cem Doğan, Cenkhan Aksoy, Christoph Wachter, Ebru Yetişkin, Ekmel Ertan, Hamza Chamas, Mathias Jud, Milad Forouzandeh, Mohsen Hazrat, Nina Martin, Rajaa Shamam, Youssef El Idrissi Participants include: Eda Sütunç, Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley, Mary Maggic, Rachel Uwa , Renata Salecl, Seloua Luste Boulbina, Pelin Tan, Yara Mekawei, and many more.
Funded by: Capital Cultural Fund
► For media and press inquiries, please email hallo@oyoun.de