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a'21: Safety From Artificial Intelligence_amberPlatform
April 18, 2021 19:00 p.m. - 20:30

►a'21: Safety From Artificial Intelligence_amberPlatform
How can we protect ourselves from this surveillance? What kind of application is artificial intelligence used in social issues? How much can we trust artificial intelligence? Can we fool him?
Besides the positive aspects of artificial intelligence technology, which has entered almost every area of our lives, there are also negative usage areas. What results can our data use without our knowledge or confidentiality agreements we accept without reading? What can be done with synthetic image production? Are we safe enough while the cameras around us detect and record our age, gender, and emotions? How can we protect ourselves from this surveillance? What kind of application is artificial intelligence used in social issues? How much can we trust artificial intelligence? Can we fool him? While looking for answers to such questions about the negative uses of artificial intelligence today, we will mention the use of artificial intelligence as a control and control mechanism, methods of detecting synthetic images, studies on 'ethical artificial intelligence' and measures and studies developed against these algorithms.
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►Hakan Gündüz
* This event is part of Oyoun's a'21 Festival - Post Digital Ignorance x Techno Utopia aiming to challenge the status quo while centering perspectives on non-human life, queer ecology, decolonising knowledge, forced displacement, and more. The project was financed by Berlin's Hauptstadtkulturfonds.
Produced by: Oyoun in collaboration with amberPlatform
Curatorial Team: Amirali Ghasemi, Ali Cem Doğan, Cenkhan Aksoy, Christoph Wachter, Ebru Yetişkin, Ekmel Ertan, Hamza Chamas, Mathias Jud, Milad Forouzandeh, Mohsen Hazrat, Nina Martin, Rajaa Shamam, Youssef El Idrissi Participants include: Eda Sütunç, Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley, Mary Maggic, Rachel Uwa , Renata Salecl, Seloua Luste Boulbina, Pelin Tan, Yara Mekawei, and many more.
Funded by: Capital Cultural Fund
► For media and press inquiries, please email hallo@oyoun.de